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so I couldn't PM you. everyone else can ignore this i guess...

Hey Jay,


I was told you could help me out. I have an Ibanez Artcore AS73, and i really want to upgrade the pickups. As of right now, they are way too muddy for me. I was wondering what pickups you could recommend me, here is what sound I am looking for.


Neck: warm clear sound- i am starting to mess around with jazz, so sometimes i play some fingerstyle with this pickup.


Middle: I like to use this position for chording- the problem I have now is that the humbuckers are way too boomy, so you just hear the bass. If i turn down the neck volume, it just sounds muddy in general.


Bridge: Right now the pickup is really shrill. I don't use this pickup by itself very often because of this. If i could get a smooth lead sound it would be great.


I was told to get seth lovers or P90s, would you have something similar that could fit my guitar?



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