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Who never mods their guitars?


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i have done pickup swaps before in the past when i thought it was the way to find the good tone. i haven't done any mods in years, and probably won't, now that i know how to set guitars up right and am comfortable adjusting the tone controls on my guitars, pedals and amps. i only buy guitars that i really enjoy as they are. the right purchase for me these days doesn't require modification.

some people just like to tinker, and i respect that.

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See Sig:

The Parker has been repaired, but remains bone stock.
The 335 is unmolested, but I intend to swap in an aluminum stop bar.
I got the MIM w/ the intent of modding...it's been chopped, dropped and juiced.
The Gretsch has locking tuners for convenience and a fully adjustable roller bridge for improved intonation.
The Strat Plus and Setneck Tele have been touched by no tool except for adjustments.
The Xaviere has been massaged extensively for playability, but I love the stock electronics.
The Transcaster was assembled entirely from select goodies.

So, I only modify based upon the perceived need to improve, not just the desire to change something.


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i've modded most of the guitars i've ever owned. hell, i even modded my Gibson Les Paul Custom (i {censored}ing HATE 498T's). i tossed a SD Custom SH-5 in the bridge.

my old Baja, i put a SD Lil 59 into the bridge.

in my SG Faded, i'm running PRS Dragon II's (neck and bridge)

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I never do things that are not reversible.

Same here.:thu:

I have roughly 25 different guitars, many of them are stock, ranging from some lowly Teiscos and Normas, all the way up the scale to pro-line Gretsches. Most are kept as close to "stock" as possible, with the occasional pickup swap or electronics upgrade. Hardware modifications are usually only done on a "necessary for functionality" basis.

Cosmetic mods such as pickguards, decals, and knobs are totally dependent on my personal tastes, and are always reversible.

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Although I have in the past, typically, I don't mod anymore. When I buy a guitar, I try to really connect with it as it is before buying it. If I dig the overall vibe, that's really what matters. Not saying sonics and playability are not important, but I try to make the most of the guitars I have as they are, unless something really isn't working for me, then I'll make a change. Modding for modding's sake is not my thing.

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I tinker with most of mine--different pickups, strap locks, lightweight tailpieces on all my Les Pauls, stuff like that.

This is my most heavily modded guitar, mainly because after I bought a Custom Shop Strat, this thing just sounded dead and thuddy. So I installed Fender Custom Shop 69 Pickups and a blender pot that allows for all of the pickups to be combined (neck/bridge and all three). It sounds OK, but it needs a refret and, like I said, it's not the best sounding strat in the world.


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