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having the guitar against your body kills resonance of tonewood

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You guys are doing this all wrong..


Let's use some science here. If you're all worried about your bellies sucking up the tone, what about the armor? It's going to sap some tone too! Steel and mithril are not perfect.. not even adamantium will do the job right! Even if the guitar is suspended in the air, it's going to lose some resonance to the air.


Here's the only solution, and I've already patented it so none of you chumps can take this away from me. I play the guitar, ever so gently, arms stretched out, as it floats in the vacuum of space. Yes, it's not perfect.. some of the tone gets sucked through my astronaut fingers, but this is as good as it gets.

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You guys are doing this all wrong..

Let's use some science here. If you're all worried about your bellies sucking up the tone, what about the armor? It's going to sap some tone too! Steel and mithril are not perfect.. not even adamantium will do the job right! Even if the guitar is suspended in the air, it's going to lose some resonance to the air.

Here's the only solution, and I've already patented it so none of you chumps can take this away from me. I play the guitar, ever so gently, arms stretched out, as it floats in the vacuum of space. Yes, it's not perfect.. some of the tone gets sucked through my astronaut fingers, but this is as good as it gets.




I know MY playing would certainly sound better in a vacuum. Thanks for the inspiration.

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all of you are idiots. I actually affixed guitar hardware onto a redwood tree, and THAT is resonance!



Pfft redwood.


I attached six windings of pure GOLD(hey, don't want copper ions hording me electron's tone) to the root system of Pando, using the earth's magnetism as sole provider.

PURE vintage tone.

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hmm i wanted to make a joke band based on the movie excalibur we'd wear armor and have big swords and at the end of the show we'd slaughter each other and have pigs blood splatter all over us and legs and arms would get hacked off I think it would be a tr00 and br00tal experience to see that kind of thing

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