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Where/Who would you rob?


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I have these dreams all the time that I am in a place that make something I really like. I am there after hours and am able to get out without being known because no one is around.


One night recently I had a dream that I was in the Ibanez factory in japan where they make all the Prestige's and etc. I "stole" a couple of nice ass axes and some necks and bodys and etc.


Well. What guitar factory would you like being locked in and grabbing some stuff? This ofcourse is all a dream related thing but if it was possible without getting in any trouble where would it be and what would you get?


This should be an interesting thread!




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The ESP company is like 2 min from my house Ive always wanted to go and check the dumpster and see if theyve thrown out any blemished guitar parts or guitars.

Dude. If you dont do that you are doing your self a disservice. I would so be there every day after work. You should go there seriously every day after work. Just grab everything that is guitar related. Im sure they throw some good stuff out. I sort of deal with this all the time. Believe it or not there is a formula out that that states you need to throw stuff out instead of keeping it because in the long run it will cost you more money. This only goes for the parts department section of business.

Dude. You gotta go down there!!!


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Dude. If you dont do that you are doing your self a disservice. I would so be there every day after work. You should go there seriously every day after work. Just grab everything that is guitar related. Im sure they throw some good stuff out. I sort of deal with this all the time. Believe it or not there is a formula out that that states you need to throw stuff out instead of keeping it because in the long run it will cost you more money. This only goes for the parts department section of business.

Dude. You gotta go down there!!!


He speaks the truth, log off and go now, we need a report on how you get on along with pictures!

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He speaks the truth, log off and go now, we need a report on how you get on along with pictures!



This gives me an idea. I wonder if there is a list of guitar companys that list their location. I would love to find some near my area. I will so go dumpster diving.


Im in central North Carolina if anyone knows any around....

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This gives me an idea. I wonder if there is a list of guitar companys that list their location. I would love to find some near my area. I will so go dumpster diving.

Im in central North Carolina if anyone knows any around....

Dumpster diving is like our great national pasttime.

Hell in the US the {censored} we throw out is high dollar merchandise in some countries.

The Frito Lay distributor in my town throws out tons of bags of chips :snax: that are at or near the expiration date.

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I would steal from the rich and give to the poor. I would shoot arrows at all you bad thives and wear green tights.......At least until I got locked in the looney bin.....Then I would steal the other paitients medicaiton and sit in a corner drooling on myself.

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I definitely have no problem with stealing from giant corporations who are nothing but thieves themselves.....in spite of laws made by politicians who are owned by said corporations...



What kind of nonsense is this?


Corporations are owned by shareholders: shares are bought and held by private and public sector pensions, individual investors, churches, charities, 401k account holders, the corporation's employees, widows, small businesses, and so forth. They buy shares and in turn are risking their cash and savings.


When some douchebag steals, small or large, these entities and individuals lose.

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I definitely have no problem with stealing from giant corporations who are nothing but thieves themselves.....in spite of laws made by politicians who are owned by said corporations...



This is the consensus of the "youth" now a days.


They are against corporations because they tell people how to act and all that. However the people that hate that all watch and read the same stuff telling them not to do what the corporations do and say. So they don't do the stuff. Well isn't it the same thing either way?


Anyways. Share holders my man. The people that are getting {censored}ed on wall street right now is the corporations of America.


So in reality we only have our self's to blame.

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Yeah and all but I don't dig the moral relativism that says its cool to hijack a truck full of Gibsons. Ripping off gear or ripping off a corporation you control is still stealing. It eventually {censored}s over someone.


Back in the '60s my aunt and uncle entered an auction being given on a railroad train that derailed and won a boxcar that was full of Gibson guitars. I don't know what their bid was but it was probably less than the price of all the guitars added all together. Gibson probably made out from the insurance money from the accident.

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