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Ever buy an amp only to hate it's tone a little over a month later?


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alright! I relent. It's a Peavey JSX. It either sounds muddy or shrill to me now. When I first bought it, it sounded very good. Like a Marshall on the lead channel and plenty of gain on the ultra for metal. I just can't dial it in to sound good to my ear anymore. There are either too many mids or not enough and it's muddy. There you go, let me have it!


Peavey's been shipping with cheapo Chinese tubes, lately. My guess is that... Well, the tubes just suck.


If that were my amp, I'd retube the preamp section with JJ ECC83s's and the power tubes with Electro-Harmonix 6CA7-EH's. Click on the links there.


When you get the tubes, make sure you have the amp rebiased by a tech (unless you know your way around electronics). I think Peavey made it easy to bias the JSXs (like the 5150-II/6505+) with external connectors for your voltmeter and an external adjustment for the bias.

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I traded for a Line 6 Spider III -- loved many features, liked several of the sounds, but didn't love it so I ditched it. I hear it won some big amp award this year... *shrug*



My bro-in-law gave me his Line6 Spider III.


All I use it for is running it on clean with my AdrenaLinn III.


Not a fan of the Line6 III amp tones at all.

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Amps need to be grown into.

I find this SO true with tubes.

In a showroom, usually the biggest amp with the most dials make me warm and envious, and wanna buy it... Hanging around with the amps more I find that usually the best amps are the smaller amps with less dials.

Prime example is the Fender Deluxe Hot Rod VS Fender Blues Jr. Hot Rod.

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I've had two amps like that...

I had a Bassman reissue which I could never ever get a decent sound out of, no matter what.

And my current Hiwatt rig is having some trouble... But I think that's because it's really old, needs repairs, and has completely un-responsive EQ knobs haha :cool:

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  • 4 months later...
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Roland micro cube. god, I don't see what all the hype is about, these amps suck.



lets say your a rock legend but your at a small party and someone hands over some crap gear for you to wail on, you know....cause your "the man", welp you give it a little, dial it in, go at it again, one more dial in to get the best you can with what you have and then you impress the hell out of some guest with trash gear because why???? youre a rock legend!!! Good players know how to play the right thing even with s#^t gear, and those are not the best amps but by no means trash. your stupid and probably suck worse than that amp. In fact think the hum of a xxx sounds better than you typing idiot statements that have no validity and show ure understanding of tone to be farther south than whale poo.

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It honestly takes a few months to get the setup right on your amp,

tone can be improved by little things sometimes..


i didn't like my dsl the first coupla months i had it, but twiggling with it since (& getting the appropriate pedal/guitar match for it, mine was a treb-boost with a 335) i now love the sound i get out of it, every time i turn it on always end up playing for a good 2-3 hours & my playing's improved as a result.


Give it time, put some thought into how you're using it & don't be hesitant to try out new settings/pedals/things you wouldn't think of otherwise.

If it still isn't working out after a 2-3 month period then just sell it on.


A good idea for tone is to go back to the bands & albums that inspired you to want to pick up & play the guitar in the first place, then see how closely your amp matches that tone. If turns out to be relatively close, you'll be a bit more forgiving of the amp's shortcomings & not be so bothered about it.

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i would ditch the JJ, they are a little dark typically IMO, or swap it with another tube thats not a JJ in another position. i would use the low input with the humbuckers. this is all based on what you said about the the single coils sounding good. i know rivera said something about the low input being for a humbucker, and the high being for a single coil on his amps, and that it changed the amps response to the guitar.

the newer ones only have 1 input, at least on peaveys site.



+1. If you have a low input, then that is definitely designed for humbuckers. That's a large part of your problem right there, if you're using your humbucker guitars through the high input.



the amp may not match well with the speakers in the cab. i'm not saying the cab is a POS, just that the amp and cabinet/speakers may not get along. price isn't indicative of quality all the time either, and the cabinet/speaker combo has a lot to do with the tone you're hearing. i'm not trying to bash your gear at all, just trying to be objective.



Another very good point. I remember reading somewhere that Hartley Peavey's not exactly big on the V30, so he doesn't usually voice his amps to work with those speakers. I would try another cab (Peavey) and hear how it sounds then.

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I had an Ampeg VT-120 1x12 combo for over a decade. Took me that long to find out that I really didn't like how it sounded. Feature-wise it was awesome, and after having it that long it actually had some sentimental value. But my Fender HRD sounds a million times better for cleans.

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If I didn't know better, I'd swear there was something wrong with the amp. Is this just part of the never-ending search for the holy grail of tone? Don't ask what kind of amp it is.
I'm trying to sell it.






just kidding. i see you already said what it is.

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here is my problem:

I pick up any peice of gear and fall in love with it in 20 minutes. all i do is tweak/play/tweak/play etc........

then i buy it....2 months later i get "flustered"....i cant find any new sounds.

NEXt, i fall in love again......

the dilemna is that i go out and sell/buy when i mad...then comes the kick in the ass...then i find a new love......

viscous...vicious circle......

AND, this problem isnt just with gear....it is with daily household items....toothpaste, deoderant...clothes...girls.......

i need to see a specialist (but then it would only last a month or so:confused:




Jesus....I could have written this post myself!!! I swear this describes me perfectly. I honestly don't know what's wrong with me.

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btw, I had this happen with my peavey valveking 112. When I first got it I thought it was great. Over time I realized I didn't like it. It didn't have enough clean headroom and the distortion channel sounded pretty crappy. I later discovered that it was the {censored}ty speaker it came with. I plugged the amp into a 2x12 cab and it sounded much better. But, the distortion still wasn't cutting it so I sold it and bought a First Act VA881. So far I'm still happy with that one.

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