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Walnut love?


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Here's my '74 Guild S-100c prior to recently acquiring and installing original Guild HB1 pickups I found on eBay. "c" stands for the carved oak leafs. Stunning instrument that smokes just about every SG I've ever played.






I think this one is mahogany with a walnut type finish though....so ..errr....maybe I'm out of class here.

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Oh, and my dad and I got two four-inch-thick slices of WALNUT TREE. Like bark and all. About 5 feet around. They gonna be some walnut guitars up in here!


You might want to cut those wheels into smaller pieces so that they dry faster and more evenly. The best way would be to slice them up like slices of a pie ("quartersawing") and then building up a bodies with the pieces. Actually it would have been better if they were long logs cut lengthwise instead of in disc slices like that...but it would still be great to see.

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I wish Quarter wouldn't post pics of his lapsteels. I want one so bad and just when I come to terms with the fact that I won't have one ... shebam! Another pic pops up and my GAS reinvents itself.

LoL ... here is a less fancy walnut Teardrop body I made for a guy. A good way to save a couple bucks if you like to do some of the work yourself.





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You might want to cut those wheels into smaller pieces so that they dry faster and more evenly. The best way would be to slice them up like slices of a pie ("quartersawing") and then building up a bodies with the pieces. Actually it would have been better if they were long logs cut lengthwise instead of in disc slices like that...but it would still be great to see.


Good info. They do look pretty dry already (not sure when the tree was cut down, wasn't there for the slicing), and they may not end up being suitable. There's a lot of pith and burling going on in them, and the grain pattern is pretty out there. :idk: I'd hate to break that up. Pie slices wouldn't make big enough pieces to build a guitar I'd think. But definitely cutting them up is a must...we can't even split the 4" slices into 2 unless they're much smaller.

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Do you not find walnut to be a darker sounding wood? My only experience is with a friend's guitar we built together and I found it to be very bassy. A good jazzy/death metal kind of low end but sucked for noodling leads on. Do those home builts have walnuts necks as well?

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