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On criticizing the kids... You know who you are


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You guys are missing the point, playing guitar ain't a competition. Or at least it shouldn't be. It's about expressing yourself. If you want to be a "winner" play fantasy football or something. Same with kids...


I believe keeping score in sports is essential, but then it's also important to teach sportsmanship, winning with grace and losing with dignity. The "good game" approach of congratulating the other guy.


That aside, that's apples and oranges. All I'm saying is if that 13 year old girl wants to rock out like that then I'd give her a high five, tell her she kicked but, keep at it and let me know when she makes the big time. Life is hard enough without finding something that brings a kid some measure of joy and pissing on it because you know better.

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Man, I can't stand when people say this. I guess you have to decide what's more important: some kind of artificial standard by which to call yourself "the winner", or doing something to better yourself.

The point of kids playing sports is to teach sportsmanship and excercise. The point of playing music is to learn to create music. Because, guess what? In a hundred years, no one is going to remember how good most of us are at playing guitar, and it's only our actions that will live on through the people we've influenced. To me the question is whether you want to live on through negative emotions and anger, or through love and being positive.



And the lurker talks. They have to learn not to be so arrogant as to post a video of their playing and cocky attitude, only to play horribly in most aspects. Then, they have the nerve to call themselves the self proclaimed "Best Guitarist in the world". Now, this is why I hate guitar hero. Every kid around the world is picking up guitar, trying to play it not because they enjoy it, but because they think it is cool. They are NOT expressing themselves. Aside from the rare few, like Tallon, who even then is very cocky and arrogant. More often than not, in these instances, it is the adult living throug the child. The only REAL guitarist I have been impressed with that doesn't do annoying sweep licks is Sungha Jung. Keep in mind, children learn faster, and also have no obligations. MUCH easier to learn to play at a younger age.



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I hate threads like this, threads where people write about what they hate on a voluntary forum, I mean {censored}, nobody is making me read this crap or post here... That being said I think I need to say something here.

Once or twice on these forums I've seen some kids get "call out" for having {censored}ty skill, {censored}ty tone or just being {censored}ty in general well I just want to point out something... Live music as we know it is dying off including the guitar. Music as an art form is further being relegated to background noise for movies and video games. Clubs are shutting down at a record pace especially now that we are in a recession. Last time I went to a live show, I mean a real punk show, everyone in the room was at least the age of 25 to 35, there were no kids which is kind of disturbing. No longer are 15 year olds trying to get fake IDs to go see their favorite band or hanging outside a club they can't get into just to hear the music. Those days are gone man, possibly for good.

So when you have a kid, any kid, trying to play actual music you need to encourage that type of behavior, otherwise the part of the music community who are total douche-bags will ruin it for the kids and the rest of us. Hey, Stevie Ray's #1 ain't a priceless guitar if nobody knows or cares who Stevie Ray was, what he did or give a {censored} about the guitar. Same with that potentially expensive Les Paul or Strat you may have laying around hoping one day it will increase in value.

Also I'd like to point out one last thing, YouTube wasn't around when you and I were 13 and acting like 13 years olds act. So don't bag on some kid when he does something stupid and video tapes himself or herself doing it. God forbid we see the snot nosed {censored} you used to do. I know I've done some pretty damned stupid stuff myself and back then would have only been too happy to video tape myself doing it only to

So lay off the {censored}ing kids you nutsacks. I can't believe I've got to say this to supposed adults, much less ones who need them to keep this art alive. If you don't care that guitar is getting upstaged by movies, mp3's, reality shows and {censored}ing video games then by all means, keep listening to your damn 8 tracks and leave the rest of the world alone while you search for the "perfect tone" and hone your soon to be useless skill you spend hours of your life and probably thousands of dollars perfecting.


dude you are my new god!!! seriously, i agree, the bar for technique has been raised so high that everyones goal is to hit every note perfectly and play 200000 bpm that no one gives a {censored} about what they are playing anymore, guitar music has either become 3 chords or 200000 155th notes played flawlessly to a mind numbingly boring backing track. Too many people are playing just to impress some facless asshole on youtube that no one likes it anymore or puts any soul into it. I wonder if 100s of people told Jimmy Page how sloppy he was if he would ever go on to write the stairway to heaven solo

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You guys are missing the point, playing guitar ain't a competition. Or at least it shouldn't be. It's about expressing yourself. If you want to be a "winner" play fantasy football or something. Same with kids...

I believe keeping score in sports is essential, but then it's also important to teach sportsmanship, winning with grace and losing with dignity. The "good game" approach of congratulating the other guy.

That aside, that's apples and oranges. All I'm saying is if that 13 year old girl wants to rock out like that then I'd give her a high five, tell her she kicked but, keep at it and let me know when she makes the big time. Life is hard enough without finding something that brings a kid some measure of joy and pissing on it because you know better.

You're really getting this out of perspective. I didn't go to this girl's house and tell her that her performance was a total {censored} up. I didn't say it was at all, ever. I just said she did a fail attempt at Voodoo Child and tried to act like she was all of that. Nothing more, nothing less. Thought it was an interesting clip some might find humorous, and some did. I don't understand why you're starting all of this drama over a video. Did you have some bad experience when you were a kid and I set off some trigger or something? Well, if that's the case, I'm not going to apologize. I apologized too many times to count, get over it, I posted it, people saw it, it's done, stop looking for attention. Quit dragging it out and act as if I took her guitar and beat her upside the head.

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You're really getting this out of perspective. I didn't go to this girl's house and tell her that her performance was a total {censored} up. I didn't say it was at all, ever. I just said she did a fail attempt at Voodoo Child and tried to act like she was all of that. Nothing more, nothing less. Thought it was an interesting clip some might find humorous, and some did. I don't understand why you're starting all of this drama over a video. Did you have some bad experience when you were a kid and I set off some trigger or something? Well, if that's the case, I'm not going to apologize. I apologized too many times to count, get over it, I posted it, people saw it, it's done, stop looking for attention. Quit dragging it out and act as if I took her guitar and beat her upside the head.



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Well, we are humans, we laugh at others in order to make ourselves feel better about ourselves, consciously or subconsciously.


Probably the adults act childish and because they have unrestrained egos they just think that because they played longer then child X they have the right to laugh at X because you have to admit, we humans are bastards, simply put.

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I posted a clip to JJ's thread, nothing special and a couple sour notes.


Found it, listened and liked it! I'm a sucker for the Bluez!


Why in "G"? I've always prefered "E" and "A" but see a lot of guys who like to play in G. Is there a special reason, are the scales more comfortable?


Anyway, good work and thanks for sharing that.


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Found it, listened and liked it! I'm a sucker for the Bluez!

Why in "G"? I've always prefered "E" and "A" but see a lot of guys who like to play in G. Is there a special reason, are the scales more comfortable?

Anyway, good work and thanks for sharing that.




Went with G because there are more tones across the neck that I like in G thank in say E. I didn't go with A because I wouldn't have been able to get as gritty a sound on the rhythm track. I just slapped a capo on and played the rhythm open as you would in E.


For the rythm I used my Squire Tele which has a wide range hb in the neck, with a little trem. For the lead part I used my R6 on the neck pup. Also used the LP to add some reinforcing bass notes to the rhythm part. Recorded the whole thing on my Jam Man.

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Found it, listened and liked it! I'm a sucker for the Bluez!

Why in "G"? I've always prefered "E" and "A" but see a lot of guys who like to play in G. Is there a special reason, are the scales more comfortable?

Anyway, good work and thanks for sharing that.



where is this thread, searchbar came up with nothing

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I'm all for young and old (there are plenty of bad older guitar players) picking up an instrument. I don't want to see YouTube videos of {censored}y playing and {censored}y bands, well sometimes I do... when its funny.


The exception kids under ten that can rock but just don't have the chops yet.

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I have a 12 year old kid who has lived next to me for a year. He plays drums. He cannot hold a beat, do a drum roll, or anything but actually beat on the drum. He makes no effort to actually learn how to play. His parents have not helped, he has had no lessons, and just seems to want to annoy the piss out of everyone in the neighborhood. I have to fight the urge everday to break the sticks, drums, and scream at his mother for this. if he posts on youtube with no skills that is his own fault, and deserves what he gets. You post on a public forum, you deserve what you get. Practice, develop some skills, then post when you have some. I am not obligated to tell someone how great they are and hold promise, when there may be none, or no skills are there. We need more Simon Cowells.

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I have a 12 year old kid who has lived next to me for a year. He plays drums. He cannot hold a beat, do a drum roll, or anything but actually beat on the drum. He makes no effort to actually learn how to play. His parents have not helped, he has had no lessons, and just seems to want to annoy the piss out of everyone in the neighborhood. I have to fight the urge everday to break the sticks, drums, and scream at his mother for this. if he posts on youtube with no skills that is his own fault, and deserves what he gets. You post on a public forum, you deserve what you get. Practice, develop some skills, then post when you have some. I am not obligated to tell someone how great they are and hold promise, when there may be none, or no skills are there. We need more Simon Cowells.


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I hate threads like this, threads where people write about what they hate on a voluntary forum, I mean {censored}, nobody is making me read this crap or post here... That being said I think I need to say something here.

Once or twice on these forums I've seen some kids get "call out" for having {censored}ty skill, {censored}ty tone or just being {censored}ty in general well I just want to point out something... Live music as we know it is dying off including the guitar. Music as an art form is further being relegated to background noise for movies and video games. Clubs are shutting down at a record pace especially now that we are in a recession. Last time I went to a live show, I mean a real punk show, everyone in the room was at least the age of 25 to 35, there were no kids which is kind of disturbing. No longer are 15 year olds trying to get fake IDs to go see their favorite band or hanging outside a club they can't get into just to hear the music. Those days are gone man, possibly for good.

So when you have a kid, any kid, trying to play actual music you need to encourage that type of behavior, otherwise the part of the music community who are total douche-bags will ruin it for the kids and the rest of us. Hey, Stevie Ray's #1 ain't a priceless guitar if nobody knows or cares who Stevie Ray was, what he did or give a {censored} about the guitar. Same with that potentially expensive Les Paul or Strat you may have laying around hoping one day it will increase in value.

Also I'd like to point out one last thing, YouTube wasn't around when you and I were 13 and acting like 13 years olds act. So don't bag on some kid when he does something stupid and video tapes himself or herself doing it. God forbid we see the snot nosed {censored} you used to do. I know I've done some pretty damned stupid stuff myself and back then would have only been too happy to video tape myself doing it only to

So lay off the {censored}ing kids you nutsacks. I can't believe I've got to say this to supposed adults, much less ones who need them to keep this art alive. If you don't care that guitar is getting upstaged by movies, mp3's, reality shows and {censored}ing video games then by all means, keep listening to your damn 8 tracks and leave the rest of the world alone while you search for the "perfect tone" and hone your soon to be useless skill you spend hours of your life and probably thousands of dollars perfecting.


The 1 thing you need to become a great musician, is to be humble.


I have not ever seen an arrogant musician who was particularly mind blowing. Arrogant musicians who rate themselves above the crowd alienates the crowd from them aswell.


I'm almost still a kid, I'm 17. I'm not a fantastic guitar player, and I know this. Which is why I don't act cocky neither on or off stage. I go on with self confidence, and put on a good show. But, cockiness is just stupid.

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The 1 thing you need to become a great musician, is to be humble.

I have not ever seen an arrogant musician who was particularly mind blowing. Arrogant musicians who rate themselves above the crowd alienates the crowd from them aswell.

I'm almost still a kid, I'm 17. I'm not a fantastic guitar player, and I know this. Which is why I don't act cocky neither on or off stage. I go on with self confidence, and put on a good show. But, cockiness is just stupid.


Ever heard of Yngwie Malmsteen? Unfortuantely a lot of guitar players are cocky. You have a great attitude though.

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Went with G because there are more tones across the neck that I like in G thank in say E. I didn't go with A because I wouldn't have been able to get as gritty a sound on the rhythm track. I just slapped a capo on and played the rhythm open as you would in E.

For the rythm I used my Squire Tele which has a wide range hb in the neck, with a little trem. For the lead part I used my R6 on the neck pup. Also used the LP to add some reinforcing bass notes to the rhythm part. Recorded the whole thing on my Jam Man.


Thanks man.

I've hear some bad players here but most are pretty good, at least better than I am. Still, I'm going to try recording something on my PC and have a whack at it. If I can can get it done, I'll post it on JJ's thread.


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The 1 thing you need to become a great musician, is to be humble.

I have not ever seen an arrogant musician who was particularly mind blowing. Arrogant musicians who rate themselves above the crowd alienates the crowd from them aswell.

I'm almost still a kid, I'm 17. I'm not a fantastic guitar player, and I know this. Which is why I don't act cocky neither on or off stage. I go on with self confidence, and put on a good show. But, cockiness is just stupid.


Congratulations -- that's right on. At 17, you're wise beyond your years. :thu:

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