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I need a list of possible band names for our start up band


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Hi, I normally post in one of the guitar related forums but this thread title caught my attention. IMHO, nobody can really come up with a name for you. Ideally, the name should have significance to you and the rest of the band. It can be a regional reference, a director or author or book you all like, the name of your favorite sandwich or park, the name of the place you met, or whatever but it needs to mean something to you. If you're truly stuck, come up with a list of words that have significance to the band (or at least to you), pick two out of a hat, and combine them. For example, say you're into tea and astronauts (don't ask, just thinking off the top of my head). Some possibilities might be Formosa Armstrong or Jasmine Ride, or a sound-alike such as Allison Green (where Allison sounds kinda like Aldrin). I mean, if I can do it...

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