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OT- Story and picture participation thread

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... I got this idea from another thread where I told a story about an Ebayer that actually sent me a hand carved cable in an auction. Funny enough it worked but it was HILARIOUS. Literally whittled one end of the cable to fit...


SO I went online and in about 5 minutes made this:




SO lets tell a silly synth/gear/music related story and post a picture- NOT OF A CAT (thats cheating- too many done already)- relative to the story.


I bet you guys can come up with some funny stuff.... Well?:idea:

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Here's an amusing music-related story with pictures.


30 years ago (yes) I spent a few years playing in an all-original prog rock band in Los Angeles. Our drummer was a fellow named Mike, who was about 21 at the time these photos were taken:




Mike's mother, FYI, is Japanese, while his father is Caucasian (they met during the war).


Anyhow, one day, many years ago, Mike met an English girl - we'll call her Laura - who was in the US on holiday, visiting her American cousins in suburban LA. Although Laura was engaged to a fellow back in the UK, this didn't stop her from falling in love with Mike, breaking it off, and deciding to remain in the US.


Mike and Laura got married rather quickly, and presto, she became pregnant. They were in quite a predicament because neither had any money, nor health insurance. Mike quit the band (which was a major drama) and moved to northwest England, with Laura, as she had free health care in the UK. Laura gave birth to a beautiful little girl.


Mike and Laura divorced after a couple of years and he moved back to LA alone. One issue was that he was basically committed to being a rock and roll drummer - it was (and is) his passion. I think Laura decided she didn't want to spend her life with an American musician whose prospects of success in life were relatively slim.


Their breakup and divorce was nasty, and Mike has been estranged from Laura ever since. During the past 25 years or so Mike has only seen his daughter once, although in recent years they've been communicating via email and an occasional telephone call. (Don't worry, the point of this story is coming up soon.)


Mike has remained a drummer in LA, still trying to get the big recording contract in the sky. He has never remarried. I visited with him a couple of weeks ago - here's a recent photo (he's now about 51 years old):




So here's the goocher - while Mike has had zero to do with his daughter's upbringing in England - she's now about 26 or 27 years old - not only does she look just like him (and nothing like Laura), but she's a drummer, playing drums in an all-girl punk band:


His daughter is the second one from the left, below:





More pictures of Mike's daughter:






So anyhows, I guess this could provoke an entire nature vs nurture discussion. I can't imagine what Laura, who I believe got married again, thinks about her punker drum-playing daughter, who followed in her father's footsteps without even being in contact with him.


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?

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