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Everything posted by Perfessor

  1. I found alot to do........ G'morning Miss McGillicutty.
  2. Those darn Shorebirds can sure pitch.
  3. Good day for a sail, a cookout and a ballgame.
  4. At least you're not cookin'. Or are you?
  5. This week is the home stretch.
  6. Still hoping I get next week "off".
  7. Perfect out there today. 78 and sunny.
  8. Good morning Beautiful..............
  9. Not as hot. Five days off, too.
  10. 3 days and counting. Another hot one today.
  11. I'm ready for some churchin'.
  12. Mornin'. It's getting hotter every day.
  13. Bears like 'em, too...............
  14. It's back to work already. Craisin enriched. Now that I think of it that would be a good band name.
  15. And Good Morning.............
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