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Everything posted by BoneNut

  1. From my experience, it can grow on you. I used to ponder if I'd sell my LP when I didn't bond with it enough and found it ackward ergonomically, etc. but i kept it and found myself playing it more and more regularily. Somehow, I find it more confortable to play than I used to and it gets the same love as the others. great guitar. I kept an LP type just for that purpose, my Epi LP semihollow and I do pick it up now and again but my other guitars get a lot more playing time... that is when I play at all.
  2. they do. I have more of my faves playing Les Pauls than fenders for sure. But when I play one, I just don't connect with it. But a 335 totally blows me away. It doesn't make sense to me. Understand you completely. Those LPs are beautiful things but I've never been able to bond with them and I've had clones and Gibsons. On the other hand and just like you, those semihollows really get me going!
  3. I don't have to write a novel to know that an author sucks Yeah... but you'd at least have to know how to read.
  4. Here's your guy-guitar player who looks like a girl on the cover of a mag: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/206/499102054_3650da49a9.jpg?v=0 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dsERfy7Ib70/SC8gnxkJIxI/AAAAAAAAADQ/y1RH-25HcBQ/s320/Zakk%2BWylde%281987%29.jpg It'll be funny the day he finally comes out of the closet.
  5. I would rather see Miley Cyrus sing Achey Breaky Heart then listen to Bono sing for 30 seconds. Ginger Baker played pretty well a few years ago on the reunion tour. I don't/didn't watch the grammies. It seems a lot like a kiddie show. Agree that if Bono never sang again... it would be to soon.
  6. not sappy at all.. and great advice... thanks Crow.. i just talk with her a few min ago.. seems to be on the mend.. all groggy from the medications and all but seems that it was just one episode and no more flare ups.. hopping to come home tomorrow.. so thats really good news.. thanks for all the support every one... means a lot... rough day.. :thu::thu:
  7. Underrated: Michael Hedges Always thought he was a fine player. Gone now though. [YOUTUBE]4P9mmZyGb4s[/YOUTUBE]
  8. Prince was named as one of the greatest electric guitar players of all time in a recent Time Magazine. I don't know about that but he is very, very, very good. Here's a link. One of the YouTube video's showing this clip, calls it the greatest guitar solo ever. http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1916544_1921866,00.html Will someone please find out where that guitar ended up so we can all get some sleep tonight! He has been recognized! He was also chosen to play the Super Bowl and he pulled that off tremendously! Funny we don't mention him much here or maybe I just haven't noticed. Great guitar player.
  9. Will do! (Smilies deleted out of respect for our viewers)
  10. It seems like he does a lot of one-offs with other artists lately. "Game of Love" with Michelle Branch springs to mind. Thanks. I'll look for that and give it a listen.
  11. I like Santana quite a bit too but haven't listened to much since Supernatural. Is there anything you all would recommend I should pick up?
  12. As much as I want to love the Lonely Boys, I just don't get them. I'm happy they are successful in this day and age of American Idol and plastic singers, but I just find nothing remarkable about them. They just seem like a tight bar band that made it big. Of course, I have NEVER understood Hootie and the Blowfish either. I find them so "blah." Someone out there is buying their albums, but it's not me. Here, try this. If it doesn't get you moving, please check your pulse. [YOUTUBE]jNaSE0K-ZzA&feature=PlayList&p=A750EA6D59CDE088&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=12[/YOUTUBE]
  13. Is Prince a bit ... odd? Yeah. Can he play? {censored} yeah! He may sometimes do things, but at least he's following his OWN direction rather than being just another cookie cut-out pop star. Eccentric? To say the least but an extraordinary musician! He can play the strings of a guitar, craft an enduring song, has more money than the Queen and has enjoyed the "company" of many incredibly gorgeous women. ...I'll be right back. I'm going to go feel sorry for myself!
  14. Baby bro is no slouch on the bass either. [YOUTUBE]UzWbeMdaXGM[/YOUTUBE]
  15. Their dad was a musician too. The kids continued the family tradition and took it a step higher.
  16. Damn! George's son is the spitting image! Prince is a monster musician all around and doesn't get half the recognition he deserves as a guitar player.
  17. ^Looks great BoneNut. I did the exact same as BoneNut, except I used acrylic lacquer. ~2 cans. Picked it up at Home Depot. Electric Blues has a great writeup on this site showing how he did it, and he was kind enough to answer a couple of my questions when I was doing mine. I attached a piece of lathe to the neck pocket, and the drilled a hole in the end of it, and hung a piece of mechanic's wire from the ceiling in my basement. That gave me something to hold onto, and something to hang it from. It was cold here when I was spraying, but I just grabbed it, went outside, and brought it back inside between coats and after spraying. It takes like 1 minute to spray a coat, and that's really not enough time for anything to cool down enough to be a problem. I couldn't find anything finer than 2000 grit to do a final wet sand, so I rubbed two pieces together for a bit until they were worn down, and then used that for a final sanding. I didn't use a clear coat either. I finished with NuFinish, which is what I use on pretty much all my guitars. That turned out really well Abrasive and I'm glad my original Electric Blues write up about this guitar refinish helped you out. Considering results like yours, I can't figure out why more people don't do their own finish jobs.
  18. I hope this will help you out with your project. I used acrylic enamel from rattle cans on the last body I painted and it turned out very well, only taking two cans of paint. It was a Strat in Shoreline Gold I painted baby blue. I sanded the Fender three piece body down to bare wood, eliminating all of the original topcoat, color coats and sealer. Once those were gone, I sanded with progressively finer grades of sandpaper until the wood was silky smooth. Just before applying the first coats of paint, the body was wiped down carefully with an alcohol soaked rag to get rid of any grease, hand oils or other contaminants before spraying paint. Since the paint coat I was going to apply is extremely thin, the wood had to be perfectly smooth or else any imperfection would show through. Even though I had sanded the body very smooth, the first few coats soaked into the wood a bit (not too much) and acted as its own sealer. I applied extremely thin coats and slowly built up the color. After every 4 or 5 coats, I
  19. What do you guys think? Thanks Omar I think it was a pretty good deal you could have made even better but {censored}ed up instead by trying to be too cool.
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