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Took a trip to guitar center and this followed me home:



It sounds... unreal. It crushes every other low watter I have played. Glassy cleans, shimmering cleans, crunchy distortion, Marshallesque distortion, responsive "clean til you dig in" kinds of tones.


My only complaint is no reverb built in, and a touch more gain would be ok. Nothing a nice pedal can't fix.


It goes from one watt up to 20. One is plenty loud, but with separate gain and master volume controls, you can dial in great overdrive at bedroom volumes.


Another cool feature is inside it has 2 6V6's and 2 EL84's. It has a knob that lets you mix the 2.

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Forgot to mention the EQ knobs are all really responsive.

I was just playing it, trying out some different setting. I found Lynyrd Skynyrd hiding in there. It was such a tasty tone, I drooled on my guitar. No lie.

The amp is a little pricey, but DAMN

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It even comes with a little purse for the head :wave:

It has 2 switches, bright and tight. They are teeeeny. But do some cool things.

The bright switch works similar to those on my Twin reverb.

The tight switch, seems to mess with the low end a little. I am finding it particulary useful with the heavy gain stuff. With it off, you get thick delicious distortion. With it on, it makes everything a little more defined. I almost want to say it takes the mud out, but with it off, the amp is far from muddy.

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I've got a little head that takes a single EL84 or a 6V6.

Haven't tried a 6V6 yet...anybody know what I can expect in comparison to the EL84?


My only experience is with this amp... but it seems like the 6V6 is a bit less aggressive than the EL84's. The 6v6 seems a little smoother. Both are sex in this amp.

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Is it really loud before any tube break-up occurs (like the Epiphone Valve Juniors)?



No, you can control it. It has a gain and a master volume, and with the watts on 1, you get some awesome tones that way at a lower volume. It sounds so good though.. I want to crank it. I will have to wait till tomorrow though.


I keep comparing this to the Blackhearts too... while I like the blackhearts and I think they are excellent, this one is a bit more controllable, more versatile. It is a little more expensive, so you have to factor that in.


The Rebel comes with Groove tubes, not cheapo chinese ones like the Blackhearts, so I won't be swapping tubes for a while. I factored that in when I was debating the higher price.

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No, you can control it. It has a gain and a master volume, and with the watts on 1, you get some awesome tones that way at a lower volume. It sounds so good though.. I want to crank it. I will have to wait till tomorrow though.

I keep comparing this to the Blackhearts too... while I like the blackhearts and I think they are excellent, this one is a bit more controllable, more versatile. It is a little more expensive, so you have to factor that in.

The Rebel comes with Groove tubes, not cheapo chinese ones like the Blackhearts, so I won't be swapping tubes for a while. I factored that in when I was debating the higher price.



Thanks for the info. I was lucky to trade for my epi with different tubes, but damn, it gets loud.

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Thanks for the info. I was lucky to trade for my epi with different tubes, but damn, it gets loud.



The Epi is a cool amp too. I actually A/B'd these two, because there was an Epi VJ half stack right next to it. The only reason I don't have an Epi, is the lack of EQ. I dig the idea of all the mods that are out there for the Epi as well, as I am quite the tinkerer.


But this amp is pretty much self contained awesome. It's more cash but you don't have to swap the speaker, or change the tubes, or get that Bitmo dude to hook you up with a neat mod.



I also ran the rebel with both the Epi and Egnater cabs, kind of like a mini full stack... that was very tasty indeed.

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The Epi is a cool amp too. I actually A/B'd these two, because there was an Epi VJ half stack right next to it. The only reason I don't have an Epi, is the lack of EQ. I dig the idea of all the mods that are out there for the Epi as well, as I am quite the tinkerer.

But this amp is pretty much self contained awesome. It's more cash but you don't have to swap the speaker, or change the tubes, or get that Bitmo dude to hook you up with a neat mod.


I also ran the rebel with both the Epi and Egnater cabs, kind of like a mini full stack... that was very tasty indeed.



Your edit makes me drool. I really want to do the BitMo trio mod.

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If I get the chance, I will do another without any effects...


Notice that you can hear my pick in the begining. The amp hasn't quite opened up yet. The watts are on 1, Tube mix all on 6v6, gain all the way up, master at about nothing. as quite as the amp will go with distortion, while still being able to hear anything. I recorded this at about 1:30 in a house full of sleeping people.

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If I get the chance, I will do another without any effects...

Notice that you can hear my pick in the begining. The amp hasn't quite opened up yet. The watts are on 1, Tube mix all on 6v6, gain all the way up, master at about nothing. as quite as the amp will go with distortion, while still being able to hear anything. I recorded this at about 1:30 in a house full of sleeping people.



Very nicely done! You got that bagpipe feel going great!! Sounds great!



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