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Want to get a nice rock/blues/metal amp?


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I use a Peavey Classic 50 212 in my house.

I can get a very useable crunch tone on the OD channel, with the master volume down really low.

When I crank the C50 it does sound better - like all tube amps do - but what I'm saying is that the low volume crunch on that amp is pretty good.

On a side note.... The C50 made the Vox AD30VT, that I used to own, sound like a toy amp in a straight side by side comparison. I'm not knocking the Vox. It's just an observation in case the OP thinks of going down that route.

It also takes pedals very well.

Add a Peavey C50 212 to the list :)

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Fender Super Champ XD - soundbytes have a droped D sample.



Peavey Mini Colossal




Orange Tiny Terror (more straight ahead tube combo or head)



Roland Tube Logic 405



Ancient Mariner makes a good suggestion - but the Laney 15watt is loud.



Surprise Sound Lab's, Rock Block





Z.Vex Nano head




You're looking for a low-watt amplifier, so that you can turn it up to achieve good tones, without being too loud. There is also..


Crate's Blackheart Killer Ant, and Little Giant

Epiphone Valve Junior

Crate's Vintage Club 508, and V8 Palamino

Krank's Rev Jr. Standard, Rev Jr. Pro (both 20watts)

Peavey Classic 20 (won't get you metal, 20watts)

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since you mentioned the kustom 36 coupe i will say that it would be a good choice....very versatile tones. there is even a youtube video of some one playing metal with the amp gain alone....great amp.i would also recommend a used hughes & kettner switchblade. i got mine for around 800 used and it works VERY well for me for ALL sounds

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I hear ya... and I agree with ya... But my point is that within a certain price range, a lot of times, a more powerful tube amp can EASILY sound radically better than a lower powered tube amp.

There isn't really a plethora of versatile, 5W tube amps with independent gain control that can do clean, blues OD and metal distortion without a pedal at the price point of below $900. There are literally TONS of great-sounding 20W, 30W, 40W, 60W tube amps that sound great at relatively low volume levels and can take a pretty good whack at that role available for under $900. Esp used.



I saw a Peavey Triple XXX head (100 watts) at starvingmusician.com santa clara today! 600 bucks http://starvingmusician.net/cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1268_1304&products_id=101042


or a nice traynor here's a nice one! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&Item=270357350057&Category=10171&_trksid=p3907.m29&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26its%3DI%26otn%3D2


triple xxx's are supposed to be high gain, but i put 12at7 pre-amp tubes in mine and it is good enough


the starving also has a 30 watt marshall combo that is pretty nice but no footswitch, damn

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I saw a Peavey Triple XXX head (100 watts) at starvingmusician.com santa clara today! 600 bucks



I saw an XXX at my local GC for $250 about a month ago. I'm not into the high gain stuff, so I had to ask the guy if it was a tube amp, or if it was some version that was solid state. He said it was all tube. I plugged in and played for about 2 minutes. Not something I needed, but thought I'd pass it along to someone else who might. Mentioned it to a couple people and it was gone 2 days later.


Actually, the last time I was in that GC, I bet they had 50 used half stacks. That's like three times what they usually have. I actually thought they had closed the other store down and moved all the inventory to this store.

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maybe its because i have never really turned one up, but i always thought the xxx sounded like complete crap? and im not a peavey hater, i love 5150s and miss my modded vtm60 to death, but didnt have room for it. also think the jsx sounds like crap. maybe i gotta get one to a higher volume, but they all sounded real fizzy to me.

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