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Upgrading Pickups / Customising a Guitar


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I'm thinking of picking up a cheap 2nd hand strat copy a pacifica or AXL or something like that and I want to have a play with upgrading the pickups.


Is this easy to do? Are there any good sites with a tutorial or anything to that effect?


What else could I do to it apart from upgrading the pickups?


Any advise on customising a guitar welcome :) Quite interested in this now!




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There's plenty you can do to customize a guitar...you can customize it to the point it's not even the same guitar anymore....or customize to the point that it wasn't even a guitar when it started (parts-caster). If your not shy with a solder gun then yes it's a great experience. If you need tutorials then just you-tube it. If you buy Seymour Duncan pickups they come with a wiring diagram with them.


You can upgrade the actual electronics like the pots, the wires themselves, the switches, upgrade the bridge, change up the pickguard/pickuprings/knobs for different colours, if it's a bolt-on you can change out the neck for something else. Throw in a kill switch, in/out-phase switch...I could go on for a while man...

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It's a lot of fun. I have turned my cheapie Epi SG into a pretty good player.


If you are doing for a fun hobby, it's great but don't think that you can get your investment back out of it if you decide to sell. You won't.


I have got a lot of enjoyment out of seeing my sg grow up into a real guitar.


Do some studying, take your time and do it right and you may end up with a pretty good guitar.


And yes, SD has some of the best wiring diagrams out there. They have one for just about any pickup and control combination you can imagine.



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