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Wow, a Les Paul I considered and then bought, major mojo inside

Ratae Corieltauvorum

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I've sold and am selling a major part of all my gear and keeping a few Strats, my natural finish swamp ash and another build in the pipeline, assembly thread on the way.

My R4 has gone and some other goodies too.


I'd been looking for a black LP for ages, had to be a tad of a beater as I'll be stripping the neck finish away and fitting an ebony board when the shop is up and running again.


I was just on the verge of buying a 2007 chambered LP Std, when this came up, and although it was being sold by one of Ebays highest price Tokai sellers I managed to get it for a very good price based on its highly corroded state, which to be frank suits me {censored}ing nicely.


Just around the same time, I won an auction for a set of corroded nickel Seth Lovers ahain for a silly price, and they'll be here later in the week.


It's had the {censored} played out of it, so I'll give it a fret dress and then play it for a while and then put the ebony board and stainless frets on.


Anyhow, here she is, pride of teh Japanese fleet:thu:


Mid 80s Burny Supergrade













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So my Tokai can relax:)(for now at least)

You're gonna love it I am sure! Now that I have had my lp's awhile I think the Burny is just as good as my Tokai's. In fact I have had offers on that thing.

Congrats Sean! That's awesome happy for ya:)


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