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NGD: Jerry Cantrell Signature G&L Tribute Rampage


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First of all, bad ass guitar, congrats man -- on my short list to get as well. I'll probably get a black one, more available and I prefer black guitars.

Secondly, the post I am quoting - shut the fuck up, I am so tired of hearing that shit. The new album is nothing less than amazing - hasn't left my CD player since I bought it a couple of weeks ago, they are amazing live with William also. It's all AIC, was the right thing to do, and they got the right guy to pull it off (of course the rest of the guys kick all kinds of ass). The new CD ranks up there with any AIC record and in fact is probably the most consistent record they've made front to back. It smokes Tripod all over the place, there is not a bad song on it and not even a mediocre song. Sure some are better than others, but the weakest songs are better than anything else out there right now. One of my favorite songs is Last of My Kind, the one song where William Duvall really shines all the way through (seems like that song was his baby). Its got great lyrics, vocals, and riffs and super heavy.


I really appreciate your view point and I am A HUGE William DuVall fan. The whole coming together of AIC and William is pretty much the ultimate for me as I can say that AIC is my #1 favorite band and CWTF/Madfly and William's stuff is at least top 5 all time for me.


I am really tired of these arguments back and fourth. Some people will never get it. I've fought this battle for almost 4 years now, and I can say it's really pretty much over. So many have been converted. And I have yet to meet someone who has been to a show and seen William up close and personal leave saying what they are doing is not right. However, if someone still believes that without Layne the rest of the band should rot into obscurity, it will be hard to argue with them.


The simple facts are:

The band was NOT formed by Layne. It was Mike Starr, Sean and Jerry and it took months to convince Layne to join. The name just came from one of Layne's old projects.

Jerry wrote 80+% of the songs.

Jerry sung to some capacity on the majority of the songs.

The haunting AIC harmonies are not solely Layne, but the combination of Layne's voice with Jerry's. Layne's rasp teamed with Jerry's smoothness is what attributed to the eerie sound.


I could go on and on. The bottom line is that these guys are continuing on with their life. They have lived through the good times and the bad, and they were much more real then the fans will ever know. The only people who can rightfully say if what they are doing is right, is themselves.


The guys have been self funded this entire time. They have worked hard in hopes it would live up to their expectations. They never intended on this being a great cash in. No one has had money problems. They never intended on this getting as big and going as far as it has. It has always been about following the passion.


I cannot expect everyone to "get it." But it should be known by true fans that the guys have never done anything that they did not feel 100% represented them. If they had ever looked at this as a big game to make cash they would have toured their band and lives into the ground in the 90's and we'd be left with nothing but their remains.


There are lots of good interviews out there now. Especially with interviews Sean. He may like to act like a goofy guy, but he really is a caring person. You can find many interviews recently where he has finally opened up and talked about what has happened. You really get a look inside of what really has taken place, and the effects.


Now after my long rant, lets leave that discussion where it lies and continue with my new guitar. Its really pretty awesome. :lol:

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First of all, bad ass guitar, congrats man -- on my short list to get as well. I'll probably get a black one, more available and I prefer black guitars.

Secondly, the post I am quoting - shut the {censored} up, I am so tired of hearing that {censored}. The new album is nothing less than amazing - hasn't left my CD player since I bought it a couple of weeks ago, they are amazing live with William also. It's all AIC, was the right thing to do, and they got the right guy to pull it off (of course the rest of the guys kick all kinds of ass). The new CD ranks up there with any AIC record and in fact is probably the most consistent record they've made front to back. It smokes Tripod all over the place, there is not a bad song on it and not even a mediocre song. Sure some are better than others, but the weakest songs are better than anything else out there right now. One of my favorite songs is Last of My Kind, the one song where William Duvall really shines all the way through (seems like that song was his baby). Its got great lyrics, vocals, and riffs and super heavy.



I feel like it is dammed if you do, dammed if you dont type deal. If they changed their name every asshole that is busting on them now would be calling them Alice in Chains. I have the new album and while I don't like it as much as solo Jerry or original Chains, I do like it. It is better than that Kings of Leon and other such {censored} I hear on the radio for sure.


I think this is the first guitar my wife is as excited about as I am!!!

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I'll be getting the USA version pretty soon, I just wish the price was a little more in line with the reissue they did back in 2000. That was a Custom Creations limited run of only 70 guitars and MAP on that one was only $1200. But I guess prices have gone up a little over the last 9 years...

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