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Humbucker pickups that can get the Tele "twang"?

Lotus Feet

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Splitting the humbucker is cheating.
The OP asked for a humbucker that gets a telecaster twang.

Split a humbucker and guess what?....IT HUMS! It ceases to "BUCK THE HUM" AND IT IS NO LONGER........



I believe the OP just wanted a pick up with a humbucker SIZE :idea:


Why would splitting be cheating ? Who made that rule ? :confused:

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The frickin' DiMarzio D Activators... They really spit this ugly twang {censored} in your face. If the bridge one isn't enough, put the neck version (which is already overly bright in the neck) in the bridge and twang all the way to hell.


But, as Sensates said, DiMarzios can give more of a Strat-like sound... But it really twangs, believe me! My ears almost bled from this duckling of a guitar I tried them in. The X version is supposed to eliminate it, so try the regular ones.

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I have PAF Peavey T-60 and I think it cops a great tele sound. But those pickups aren't that easy to come by. I need a bridge one for a later model with the blades. I search every one in a while and have never seen any on ebay in an active auction. I bought filtertron memphis HBs for it just so I could start gigging with it. The Peavey circuitry doesn't seem to work as well with the aftermarket pickups. Peavey pickups are pretty cool actually.

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Here is another one i forgot about.


The SD StagMag :




" application :

Uniquely constructed humbucker uses Alnico 2 rod pole pieces to achieve true single-coil sound when split (tapped). Recommended for classic rock, jazz, blues, funk and country.

description :

The Stag Mag uses the same type of magnets as a vintage singe coil. Each coil is as powerful as a single-coil. When the pickup is split (sometimes called "tapped") such that only one coil is used, the sound is bright and glassy, like a vintage Strat

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I didn't think about "splitting" when I opened the thread, but yea I guess it could work. The only problem is the humming. Maybe a parallel reverse-phase on a HFH could get a close approximation to that "twang"...



I don't hear any hum when I use the Hemibuckers split in my guitar. As quiet as a mouse.



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