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My favorite PLAYERS in HCEG. Who are yours?


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I'm honored to appear first in your list of fine guitarists. Thanks very much.

I'd have to say that you, ASB, and Mr. Huff (Goburn) are my favs around these parts.
In fact, I was spinning a couple of your tunes this morning.


Goburn is one of my favorites as well!


I tend to prefer players that are a bit outside the realm of convention and you, ASB, and Goburn are certainly that!

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Goburn is one of my favorites as well!

I tend to prefer players that are a bit outside the realm of convention and you, ASB, and Goburn are certainly that!

Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. :thu:

Not enough of us guys these days.

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Mein Gott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you have played with Guy van Duser who is one of my big guitar hero!

And you never posted clips in here in EG after more than 600 posts!?!

Man, thanks for coming in this thread. :thu:

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Very nice, p_i.
i can imagine this as a nice BT for the sticky jam.

Something kind of puzzles me a bit. Reading the description, you plugged your electro-acoustic into an amp and recorded the sound coming from the amp with an SM57? What about micing the guitar acoustically instead? Or were you actually going for a piezo sound?


No, you must have read the setup for the clip below the acoustic track. For the acoustic track I just plugged my mystery Ovation directly in to my Focusrite Saffire :thu:

Thanks for the kind words, and you guys can certainly use it as a BT! I would be honored. I'd love for someone to lay down a bongo or djembe track behind the guitar :love:

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bumbage ..

People post some more clips

Short Fuse (remix)

I bet some of the guys are getting sick of me posting this but sorry, I've not tracked anything since I did this. Guess it's about time I get back in there.

For those of that put me in their list I'm very much flattered and it's very much appreciated. Big thanks!

I've not seen Micwalt's name yet. Monster player who sings and composes just as good as he plays. I think he mostly post over in GJ so that might explain it.

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These are cool! I haven't posted on EG before but here goes:




Woah! I had no idea you posted here Jon.

I bought your "Don't Look So Serious" CD years ago after hearing you on one of Mike Varney's Shrapnel records CD's. I have it on my iPod now.

Great stuff!




To those who mentioned me in this thread, I truly appreciate it and apologize for not remembering everyone I've heard here. There are so many great players it's hard to remember them all but I have no issues with any of the names posted here so far.

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Great stuff Jon!! That's my kind of music...

How long have you been teaching at Berklee?



Thanks! I've been teaching there for a little over 20 years. It's an amazing gig, and I was so ridiculously lucky to get it!


Thanks for the kudos you guys. Most of the posting I've done is over in Lesson Loft. Not because it's a "better" forum... more like I felt like I'd be more useful there. Gear (for me) is still pretty mysterious because I spend most of my time/energy practicing. If it sounds good and plays in tune, I'm good!


It was nice to see all the clips you guys put up! Gives me hope that guitar is alive and well!


As requested, I'll put up a few clips. I didn't wanna go overboard at first! Bad karma right?

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Thanks! I've been teaching there for a little over 20 years. It's an amazing gig, and I was so ridiculously lucky to get it!




Jeezus, you made me feel old. I remember shortly after you started teaching there. Was it really 20 years ago? Your name so quickly became (and has remained) an institution around here. I remember a friend in high school getting incredibly excited when he got to take lessons with you after attending Berklee for a few years. Actually, I'd need more fingers to count how many of your students have gone on to rip it up around here!


As for favorites on HCEG, I'd have to give my #1 slot to ATROX. I'm already a pretty big Sulaco fan, but after coming here I've been turned on to his BML stuff, which is also excellent!


Also, I very much watching the videos that Fullmetalguitar has posted. His playing is great.


There's many other awesome players here, of course, but when I read the thread title thats the first two I could think of. (and the only two SCREENNAMES I could remember as well)

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Jeezus, you made me feel old. I remember shortly after you started teaching there. Was it really 20 years ago? Your name so quickly became (and has remained) an institution around here. I remember a friend in high school getting incredibly excited when he got to take lessons with you after attending Berklee for a few years. Actually, I'd need more fingers to count how many of your students have gone on to rip it up around here!

As for favorites on HCEG, I'd have to give my #1 slot to ATROX. I'm already a pretty big Sulaco fan, but after coming here I've been turned on to his BML stuff, which is also excellent!

Also, I very much watching the videos that Fullmetalguitar has posted. His playing is great.

There's many other awesome players here, of course, but when I read the thread title thats the first two I could think of. (and the only two SCREENNAMES I could remember as well)

Why thank you sir! :)

New Sulaco coming soon. Going in to record on the 10th and 11th

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