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DigiTech JamMan Solo Looper or BOSS RC2 ?


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I have the jamman w/the two switches - I think they discontinued it in favor of the solo... I had the RC2, which I sent back.


The jamman has more memory, and you WILL want more memory. If you can get the older 2 switch one still, I would get that one - doing the double-tap to stop is a pain.

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I have the Jamman with two pedals. I got the hang of it pretty quickly. It's incredibly fun to play with and I can plug four different instruments by connecting a DI box with two line insruments in the mic input and using a simble A/B box for the line input. Works like a charm.

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I recently got the JamMan and really loving it. I tried the Boss and actually found it a bit more intuitive for some reason... but finally got my head around the JamMan.


Stupidly, on my first half hour of trying it out I thought it was faulty, until I realised that I had it set to a 3/4 time signature instead of 4/4 when I was recording a 4/4 loop! I thought I would never get it to loop properly!!


It does suck a little bit of the tonality of the amp, and it is a bit tricky getting the volume balance right between the first and subsequent loop tracks, but overall a great instrument for honing your practice and in my case, useful for my guitarist/singer outfit.

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It's like you're talking about the Boss there.

That was the worst part for me.


I suspect the Boss does it more, and that all pedals of this nature will do it to some extent... however I love the JamMan so far. It took me a while to realise that in playing back a loop that it will drive the amp to a different extent if you lower or raise the loop level - I suppose that is what I meant about balance too.

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I suspect the Boss does it more, and that all pedals of this nature will do it to some extent... however I love the JamMan so far. It took me a while to realise that in playing back a loop that it will drive the amp to a different extent if you lower or raise the loop level - I suppose that is what I meant about balance too.



I suspect all looping pedals are going to change the tone of the recorded loop to some extent. I really don't see how there is a way around it. The question is how perceptible it's going to be and how much it really matters.


I also suspect we're a bit more critical of the tone change then anyone listening would be.

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After wanting a looper for the past couple of years, I finally picked up the JamMan Solo today. Damn it. It's cumbersome. I'll keep plugging away at it before giving up, but I was disappointed.


However, as far as sound quality went, I thought it was fine. I had a Hardwire Delay and MXR Dyna Comp in front of it without any noticeable noise.


[Edit] I didn't realize the first 10 loops were pre-assigned by the factory. Things make better sense now.

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