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Pickguard change suggestions


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all you need is 5. 11 screws? wtf



I dunno, I didn't make the guitar. I only count 8 on the pickguard and then I guess you could count the 2 more on the neck pup. Those are on my Squier Thinline too. I didn't think of them as pickguard screws though.


If I got a 5 screw guard what would I have to do about those adjustment screws? Change the pickup? I honestly don't know.





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If that were my guitar, I'd go for either mint green or maybe aged white, but if you don't like the white at all, those probably aren't different enough to be justified.


Between the tortoise and the black, I think I'd go for the black with that particular burst.

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Im just messing with you about the screws, I just dont like more than 5 personally....heres mint with 5 screws. Nobody does 5 screws except Squier. Fender switched from 5 to 8 screws around 1958-9 so some of the customs (which came out in 59) were 5 and some were 8.


If your gonna go black go with 3 ply because all black guard gets lost in the black of the body and the white middle breaks it up a bit.



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