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Vintage Strat Tuners Question: Ping vs Gotoh vs Wilkinsen or Cheap Knock-offs?


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They all seem pretty decent to me. I have two sets of whatever Fender puts on their 2007-2008 guitars with vintage tuners... the Robert Cray strat and the Classic Players strats...


And I have one set of unknown tuners I bought from a guy about three years ago that he said he had owned for about 10 years... .and I have set of these from GFS:




And had one set of these on an older Korean Xaviere tele:




I'd say they all work about equally well. I didn't notice any tuning stability issues with any of them but the two on the actual Fenders and the generic/old unknown set felt like the actual knobs were metal whereas the generic GFS set and the Wilkinson set feel like the knobs are two pieces of plastic. NICE pieces of plastic, but they felt a bit cheaper. It might even be two pieces of metal, but they are slightly more clunky feeling and you can see the seam where the pieces come together.


I'm really splitting hairs here. I wouldn't spend the extra $30 for a set of Fender-branded tuners over the Wilkinsons, but I tend to look for that sort of stuff used or otherwise discounted.



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Oh... and just to be clear, you are definitely talking about the old style vintage strat tuners right? Like the ones I pictured above? The holes drilled are a different size for those vs more standard/modern tuners. You can get conversion bushing to all you to install the vintage type tuners in the modern holes though.

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I have a set of Wilkinsen Vintage Locking tuners on my 50s Classic Player strat and I really love those. I have used the Pings on several other guitars and had no issues with them either.


Just wondering what id the bet and the best bang for the buck and what difference , if any, I would find amongst all these iterations.


Thanks for your help and the Fernandes ha a 9MM hole, perfect for vintage units.

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