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Anyone GIVE AWAY any guitars for Christmas this year?


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Or during any other day for that matter?


I had given two guitars away previously, but last Christmas, I gave away a strat to a kid in the extended family... the sort you see maybe three times a year. He was SOOOO happy, he cried a little bit, I cried a little bit and it felt great.


This year, I was determined to give away at least one, maybe two or three. I gave away a Harmony that I had bought earlier this year because it vaguely reminded me of my first electric, a Teisco Tulip. The pickups really sucked on the Harmony so I put in a Dimarzio SDS1 which is kinda P90-ish, and new pots.


I gave this one to two younger kids who are always pestering their big sister to let them play her guitar:




And I'm giving this one to a brother in law that's wanted to start playing for a while now and just never seems to be able to come up with the money to get started. I told him if he'd buy a starter amp at a pawn shop, I'd build him up a decent lefty strat. It's a refinished Made In Japan Fender body and a 1989 Korean Squier neck. I've owned about 8 or 9 1989 Korean strats and this is the last of my necks from those guitars and the best one that I've owned. I put a new nut on it, a generic SC-sized HB in the bridge (Ted Nugent and Ace Frehley are his favorite guitarists) and some MIM standard single coils in the neck and middle positions.


* I got these pickups from lowbrow and Doctor Morbius for VERY reduced rates so they unwittingly participated in this giveaway.


Here it is before I installed the SC-sized HB and strung it as a lefty:



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I don't know any kids that I can give a guitar to. I did give a bass too my 21 yo niece earlier this year. She was thrilled and promptly took her fathers amp down to school with her. I have 2 or 3 with little to no resale value that I plan to donate to music education charities this week. I plan to prep them tomorrow. I'll pull the expensive pickups and put in the stock pickups. I also gotta change the tuners back to stock tuners.

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My grand-daughter asked me yesterday ( Christmas) if I would teach her to play the guitar. I showed her a few 'cowboy' chords, made some diagrams and gave her an ancient Harmony I've had FOREVER. Found it in a basement tenement in NYCs Lower Eastside when I worked there as an electrician in the late 60s. She caught on quickly, shows promise. Has a lovely singing voice. She's 13. My youngest grand-daughter (3) asked for an accordion (!). I have hopes to record them one day!

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