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What Color is this?


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I recently aquired a Epiphone les Paul Standered and when i asked what color it was my buddy said "Iced Tea Burst". When i looked the guitar up on all the major websites it does not come in Iced Tea it comes in Honey Burst. Did Epiphone Ever make a Les Paul Standered in an Iced Tea Burst? if u need me to post a pic i will gladly do so if it would make life easyer just Request one and i will be happey to do so.

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Those faded/muted bursts are very often mistaken for each other.


I've seen a few faded bursts on Epis, but yeah... we'd probably need to see a pic. Might be best to take it out doors and might sound weird, but if you could put a piece of white paper next to the guitar, it might help with making sure we actually can see what we are seeing.\n



Feel free to email me a pic and I can try to work it in Photoshop. Again, a piece of white paper helps and DEFINITELY taking the pic outdoors will help.

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I would call that Honey Burst, but the center isn't quite as muted as I usually think of Honey Burst as being.


I am the first to admit that I am far from an expert in burstiology. I tend to not like anything more complicated than Wine Red, Amber or Butterscotch.



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It's like the different categories of metal. They are pretty much all meaningless. And they all represent more or less what has been traditionally known as tobacco burst. Which in turn probably all came from the original faded 50's clown bursts. The lighter versions get called "honey" or other such marketing terms to get people to feel like they have drastically different options and to make them feel special.

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could it be Tobacco burst?


Probably not. Some of the 'Faded' series Gibsons weren't terribly dark around the edges, but they were specifically painted to make it look like the edge had faded.


New/current production Tobacco Burst has very dark edges, like this:



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