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Ever wanted to see how an album is made? Epic video clips


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OK, this sucker is 16 parts long and goes from the scratch tracks to final mastering for distribution. I've been watching in parts the last few months as he's posted updates and it's really eye opening as well as educational. There are more than a few tricks I picked up along the way that should help me with my own mixes even though I obviously don't have the ridiculous studio that this guy does.


The amount of time spent on mic/preamp selection alone was interesting and it was really neat to watch the songs evolve into something that I could definitely imagine playing on the radio.




Like I said there are 15 other parts to it after this so I doubt that you'd want to watch the whole thing in one sitting, but I think that it's really cool that he took the time to share the experience.


Here's a playlist of all of them so you don't have to hunt them down individually.


And for those that want to cut to the chase, here is the final mastering (last video in the series)




EDIT: and don't forget that this is all shot with a camera mic so parts aren't going to sound amazing (like this first video when they are tracking the drums).

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That is cool! Thanx.


I really wish there were more hands on process vids of things like this. It would even be cool to see accomplished players here showing how they tweak their rigs to see how they get some classic tones out of em.

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Yeah, it's pretty rare that you get this kind of a behind the scenes of the process. I noticed that the guy mixing it wasn't really thrilled about giving out his secrets at first and he got pissed at one point when he found out that James had posted a few of the clips online for feedback. :lol:

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