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Question on the new EVH Wolfgangs.


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Has anyone who owns the newer Fender made EVH Wolfgang guitars had problems with the D-tuna when tuned to Eb?


The issue that I have had is that if the guitar is tuned to A-440 standard and I use the D tuna, it drops a whole step perfectly, right on tune. If I have the guitar tuned to Eb, when I use the D tuna, it doesn't drop the low E to a perfect whole step. I have to use the fine tuner just a little bit to get it in perfect pitch.


I even brought the guitar to a luthier to make sure I didn't have the D tuna setup incorrectly and he couldn't get it to work perfectly either.


Anyone else come across this issue and if so, were you able to do anything to make it work from Eb?

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I've had them on several guitars (Peavey Wolfgangs, Charvels, etc.) and had no problem getting them set up correctly at Eb.


The main thing is that the trem cannot be set to float at all, so you need to make sure it is blocked do dive only or resting against the body and cannot pull up at all, which it should be on a Wolfgang. Other than that, the instructions that came with it (and are available online) worked perfectly for me...

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I've had them on several guitars (Peavey Wolfgangs, Charvels, etc.) and had no problem getting them set up correctly at Eb.

The main thing is that the trem cannot be set to float at all, so you need to make sure it is blocked do dive only or resting against the body and cannot pull up at all, which it should be on a Wolfgang. Other than that, the instructions that came with it (and are available online) worked perfectly for me...



Yeah, they work for a lot of people... like Eddie Van Halen, so I know I was doing something wrong but I also know I followed the directions and usually don't have any trouble with setup type business. I decked the trem and everything.


Meh, either way, I don't have much use for drop D. Maybe if they made one that dropped all the strings a half step to Eb standard. That would be cool.

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Some information I just found out on this issue...


I am told that when you tune down to Eb, it lowers the bridge slightly and because the bridge sits on the body with the wolfgang ( non recessed bridge ) , there isn't enough space for the d tuna to drop down far enough, causing it to be off a few cents when you use it in Eb. I am told the two options to fix this would be:


A) Sand the D tuna cap down on the underside just a little so that it can come down a little further when you pull it out of the bridge or:

B) Sand the underside of the bridge where the fine tuners are so that the D tuna has a little more space to come down.


The above options make sense but I am certainly not doing either. Kind of annoying that they could not get this right at the factory by setting the guitar up in Eb first to make sure everything worked correctly. I guess they set the guitars up with the D tuna mainly for a standard 440 tuning.

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Some information I just found out on this issue...

I am told that when you tune down to Eb, it lowers the bridge slightly and because the bridge sits on the body with the wolfgang ( non recessed bridge )...



How does it lower the bridge at all if it already sits on the body? If it sits on the body, it sits on the body, regardless of how much you tune it down...

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I am assuming that when it's tuned to standard - it is rasing the bridge up slightly.



It shouldn't. The springs need to be tightened enough to make sure it is snug against the body when using a d-tuna. If it is raised up at all, the springs aren't tight enough.

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Hmmmmm....now I am even more stumped..LOL.


All I know is that after spending like 2 hours trying to tweak this damn thing and having multiple guitar techs try to get it ( one who has even built a custom guitar for Eddie Van Halen ), we just can't get it to drop a perfect whole step if it's in Eb. In standard it works perfectly.

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I have the d tuna on 2 of my guitars(1 in standard, 1 in Eb) and haven't had any trouble. Go to the official d tuna page and follow the instructions. That's how I learned to use it properly. In any tuning, you tune guitar with d tuna out(d position), then put it in e, clamp the locking nut, and fine tune if necessary. Actually, I never really need to fine tune it, but I do the rest of those steps up to that point.

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