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Kelly met a girl and is in the throws of puppy love. I haven't seen or talked to her in a month or so. That's rare. I got a Christmas card from her family. I'm invited to their house tomorrow for an open house. I won't be able to go because I'm having gum surgery tomorrow. I'll probably be too stoned on pain killers to drive.

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I'm sittin' here in my hotel room, typing on here with my FSR Tele in my lap. I forgot 1) a cable, 2) something to plug it in to facepalm.gif, and 3) um, it's not the one I intended to bring - I was going to bring the Strat, and grabbed the wrong gig bag facepalm.giffacepalm.gif.

I had gone to GC in Louisville to see if there was something fairly cheap for a headphone amp, but nothing caught my fancy. As I may reacquire an iPad in the not-too-distant future, I may just wait and use that for travelling.

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Nice workstation, Krash.


Winter weather mojo to those who need it - including me. Not a lot of snow here, but it did ice up. Hope the respective highway departments get it cleared by this evening, as I would like to make it back tonight in one piece, thank you very much...

FRIDAY!!! Totally_jammin_out.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by cbh5150

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Nice workstation, Krash.


Thanks, I lucked out putting it together. The shelves had previously been in my office, and by pure dumb luck they fit exactly in the space I had for them in the garage. The PA is all wired up and ready to go, with one click on the power strip. There's an ancient Peavey mixing board under the cloth "dustcover," and under that a second Peavey mixer/amp that powers the PA. Right now, the Peavey cab on the top shelf is running as one of the mains, along with an ancient 4x10 Kasino PA column not in the photos. I have a second Kasino column but the input jack on it is futzed. The plan is to fix the second column so that the 2 columns are my mains, and keep the little Peavey cab as a "monitor;" it being up so high really carries well without too much volume.


Quote Originally Posted by cbh5150

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Winter weather mojo to those who need it - including me. Not a lot of snow here, but it did ice up. Hope the respective highway departments get it cleared by this evening, as I would like to make it back tonight in one piece, thank you very much...

FRIDAY!!! Totally_jammin_out.gif


TGIF! We'll have a hard freeze tonight but no precip. Had some drenching rain for an hour or so when the cold front came through last night. Temps will have dropped literally 50 F in 24 hours!
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Monica - good luck with your surgery.

So I don't know if I mentioned this sore shoulder I have had for a few days. It is not really getting better, so I have an appt. with an MD at my clinic - not my regular guy, but that is OK. I wanted to get in sooner than later. I am guessing rotator cuff tear.

Gear wise: I sold the Rogue pedal on eBay. While talking about pedals, I got this "British" Joyo pedal off Amazon. I really like it. The british is supposed to be a Marshall tone box. Joyo seems to have a bunch of pedals - some I have heard are copies of Tech21 Pedals. Don't know if that is true, but I do like this one, and will probably get their Extreme Metal as well.

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Monica - good luck with your surgery. Congrats on the Carvin - good stuff.

So I don't know if I mentioned this sore shoulder I have had for a few days. It is not really getting better, so I have an appt. with an MD at my clinic - not my regular guy, but that is OK. I wanted to get in sooner than later. I am guessing rotator cuff tear.

Gear wise: I sold the Rogue pedal on eBay. While talking about pedals, I got this "British" Joyo pedal off Amazon. I really like it. The british is supposed to be a Marshall tone box. Joyo seems to have a bunch of pedals - some I have heard are copies of Tech21 Pedals. Don't know if that is true, but I do like this one, and will probably get their Extreme Metal as well.

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I'll be fine. It's not major but it's enough dental work to make me nervous. But I'm one of those freaks that brushes and flosses 3-5 times a day and rarely gets cavities. So usually cleanings are not eventful. In this case, he thinks something got caught below the gum line that caused an infection. He has to peel back the gums around that tooth and give it a deep cleaning. I'm just glad it wasn't worse. I thought it was a blown root canal that caused the infection. But that tooth had the root canal done 23 years ago. It was then crowned. If it was a blown root canal it would have happened within the first year or so after the tooth was crowned.

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Hey Peeps

Mojo to PK and Woody. I am the opposite of Monica as far as teeth go. I brush a few times a day, no cavities and I haven't seen a dentist in over 15 years. Shoulder pain I can relate to. I do think that the mattress here where I'm staying is harder than the one I'm used to which is in storage.

NGD for me! The Gibson MM arrived but I won't have time to fool around with today. Pics to arrive in a day or so.

bk, nice space. Adhering to the true meaning of Garage Rock I see.

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Haha, thanks Steve. Back in the '90's my 2 bands preceding Crash Pad used to practice out there, and then for short while a couple years into Crash Pad we did too, but there hasn't been a band practice out there in over a decade, I'm guessing.

We've been in the house since the early '90's, and between the natural accumulation of stuff that comes from raising 2 kids, plus me having to move all my gear back from my office where I was storing 85% of it, I've got some work cut out for me. Right now, if the weather isn't inclement, such that I can wheel bikes and a lawnmower outside for the duration of practice, there's probably just enough room for a practice.


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The dentist wasn't as bad as I was expecting. He advised me to take vicodin after the Novocaine wore off. I don't need it. I can't eat for the rest of the day and I can only drink water. It's good that I had a big lunch.

In other news, I finally got paid for the MIJ Jaguar that I picked up from BB. I just got back from FedEx.

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In sheltie news, the vet gave us new anti Biotics to give Molly. She still some gunk in her lungs, possibly fungal. We give her these pills for a couple weeks then recheck w/ x rays.

In shoulder pain news: the MD does think I have a rotator cuff tear. But no sling, or MRI for now. I got some pills to help me sleep. I s/b back to normal in a couple weeks.

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