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Wanted: Very FAST drummer!


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Wanted: Very FAST drummer!


Wanted: Very FAST drummer for a new club in Vegas! Must be able to play triplets with your feet at 300 BPM. We know that only a few in the country will qualify so we are willing to fly you out for a FULL EXPENSE PAID audition. If you qualify you will be part of a giant PyroTechnical event taking place on New Years Eve.


OK....now back to the real world. Yes it is true that I have been a WFD contender in a few events, and I also plan to be in Nashville in July, BUT I WOULD BE VERY SURPRISED to ever see such an AD placed. However, to you that always put down SPEED, technical ability would also never be asked for in an advertisement.


Here are a few others that you will never see.


Wanted: A drummer who can play complex polyrythms.

Wanted: A drummer who can play parradiddles.

Wanted: A drummer who can play rolls like Keith Moon.


You won't even see


Wanted: A drummer who can play complex polyrythms TASTEFULLY.


wHY ????


Because there is WAY more to drumming than just speed , or incredible co-ordination. There is a thing called FEEL which can only be learned with TIME and EXPERIENCE jamming with others. So to those that put down SPEED ONLY we can also put down CO-ORDINATION ONLY.


Now on the flip side... YOU WILL STILL NEED SPEED AND CO-ORDINATION and that will take practice, practice, practice.





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Originally posted by techristian

Wanted: Very FAST drummer!

Wanted: Very FAST drummer for a new club in Vegas! Must be able to play triplets with your feet at 300 BPM. We know that only a few in the country will qualify so we are willing to fly you out for a FULL EXPENSE PAID audition. If you qualify you will be part of a giant PyroTechnical event taking place on New Years Eve.

OK....now back to the real world. Yes it is true that I have been a WFD contender in a few events, and I also plan to be in Nashville in July, BUT I WOULD BE VERY SURPRISED to ever see such an AD placed. However, to you that always put down SPEED, technical ability would also never be asked for in an advertisement.

Here are a few others that you will never see.

Wanted: A drummer who can play complex polyrythms.

Wanted: A drummer who can play parradiddles.

Wanted: A drummer who can play rolls like Keith Moon.

You won't even see

Wanted: A drummer who can play complex polyrythms TASTEFULLY.

wHY ????

Because there is WAY more to drumming than just speed , or incredible co-ordination. There is a thing called FEEL which can only be learned with TIME and EXPERIENCE jamming with others. So to those that put down SPEED ONLY we can also put down CO-ORDINATION ONLY.

Now on the flip side... YOU WILL STILL NEED SPEED AND CO-ORDINATION and that will take practice, practice, practice.



So, What are you trying to say?

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Originally posted by techristian

Wanted: Very FAST drummer!

Wanted: Very FAST drummer for a new club in Vegas! Must be able to play triplets with your feet at 300 BPM. We know that only a few in the country will qualify so we are willing to fly you out for a FULL EXPENSE PAID audition. If you qualify you will be part of a giant PyroTechnical event taking place on New Years Eve.

OK....now back to the real world. Yes it is true that I have been a WFD contender in a few events, and I also plan to be in Nashville in July, BUT I WOULD BE VERY SURPRISED to ever see such an AD placed. However, to you that always put down SPEED, technical ability would also never be asked for in an advertisement.

Here are a few others that you will never see.

Wanted: A drummer who can play complex polyrythms.

Wanted: A drummer who can play parradiddles.

Wanted: A drummer who can play rolls like Keith Moon.

You won't even see

Wanted: A drummer who can play complex polyrythms TASTEFULLY.

wHY ????

Because there is WAY more to drumming than just speed , or incredible co-ordination. There is a thing called FEEL which can only be learned with TIME and EXPERIENCE jamming with others. So to those that put down SPEED ONLY we can also put down CO-ORDINATION ONLY.

Now on the flip side... YOU WILL STILL NEED SPEED AND CO-ORDINATION and that will take practice, practice, practice.




Sometimes you'll see "Must have good groove", but 'Tastefully' not as much unless it's for a jobbing band or the like.


Did you guys get burned with a replacement drummer? Was he rocking out on stevie wonders 'I Wish'? Or couldn't keep up on songs?


Groove is key. Adding speed helps make a groove interesting, which takes coordination. Something you may find on an ad is 'Must have good Time'. ..., but then you run the risk of the drummer bringing a case of beer and some $50 hookers. j/k ;)

But seriuosly, good 'Time' is something that should be on an ad also.

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Originally posted by Liverneck

Something you may find on an ad is 'Must have good Time'. ..., but then you run the risk of the drummer bringing a case of beer and some $50 hookers. j/k



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Techristian, have you been hanging around the International Club of Master Percussionists again? If Zaca-wacka tries to give you some Kool Aid, turn it down, man! :D


BTW, you're right. However, to me it's all about marketing hype. It seems like almost every snare drum is advertised to "rip the audience's heads clean off". Guitarists are convinced that they "need" a full Marshall stack to sound acceptable.


Everything in our culture seems to be geared toward the extreme these days...everyone wants the _____est of everything. The fastest, loudest, hardest, biggest.....and unfortunately 'tastefulest' isn't gramatically correct.


Dang kids these days.....

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I thought ultra speed and feel was an oxymoron. When I saw Mike Mangini, he played some wildly stupid polyrhythm solo along with an ego the length of the distance between Chicago and Milwaukee. When he was done, I asked him if he could play a basic shuffle, and after being satirous and trying to ridicule me, he played one at 250 bpm with zero feel and zero funkability. Now, then he asked if that was a shuffle, and I said, "you played the shuffle, but you didnt play a shuffle the right way". The moral of the story is that speed is great if you have it, but there is a deeper meaning to the music than just the girls, the hairspray, the spandex, and the extra fast feet.

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Originally posted by 2FunkyInHere

I thought ultra speed and feel was an oxymoron. When I saw Mike Mangini, he played some wildly stupid polyrhythm solo along with an ego the length of the distance between Chicago and Milwaukee. When he was done, I asked him if he could play a basic shuffle, and after being satirous and trying to ridicule me, he played one at 250 bpm with zero feel and zero funkability. Now, then he asked if that was a shuffle, and I said, "you played the shuffle, but you didnt play a shuffle the right way". The moral of the story is that speed is great if you have it, but there is a deeper meaning to the music than just the girls, the hairspray, the spandex, and the extra fast feet.


Yeah, he's the only one with an ego :rolleyes:


And by the way, what's with you and spandex? Do you have like a fixation? I swear half your posts end with "ther'es more to music than hairspray and spandex".... wtf?




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Originally posted by stapes2260

i still haven't figured out what the point of your post is yet???


It's called SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION. :rolleyes:


And the words are paradiddles and polyrhythms ... and coordination doesn't have a hyphen.


Guess we won't be seeing any ads that request drummers to able to spell or run a spell checker. Sorry, but when words are consistently misspelled, I just can't resist ... especially when this same thread (SPAM) is posted on just about every drum forum on the Internet. ;)

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Originally posted by techristian

Wanted: Very FAST drummer!

Wanted: Very FAST drummer for a new club in Vegas! Must be able to play triplets with your feet at 300 BPM. We know that only a few in the country will qualify so we are willing to fly you out for a FULL EXPENSE PAID audition. If you qualify you will be part of a giant PyroTechnical event taking place on New Years Eve.

OK....now back to the real world. Yes it is true that I have been a WFD contender in a few events, and I also plan to be in Nashville in July, BUT I WOULD BE VERY SURPRISED to ever see such an AD placed. However, to you that always put down SPEED, technical ability would also never be asked for in an advertisement.

Here are a few others that you will never see.

Wanted: A drummer who can play complex polyrythms.

Wanted: A drummer who can play parradiddles.

Wanted: A drummer who can play rolls like Keith Moon.

You won't even see

Wanted: A drummer who can play complex polyrythms TASTEFULLY.

wHY ????

Because there is WAY more to drumming than just speed , or incredible co-ordination. There is a thing called FEEL which can only be learned with TIME and EXPERIENCE jamming with others. So to those that put down SPEED ONLY we can also put down CO-ORDINATION ONLY.

Now on the flip side... YOU WILL STILL NEED SPEED AND CO-ORDINATION and that will take practice, practice, practice.




How about a drummer that isn't so caught up in trying to impress people that he ruins the groove with overly complex beats? I'm looking for one of those now...

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Originally posted by JSimms

You're welcome, but you really didn't answer my question.


There's nothing to answer. Pointing something out doesn't mean someone is for or against it. Someone asked a question ... "what's the point of the post" ... and I answered. :)

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For those of you that asked, NO THIS IS NOT A REAL GIG.


For those of you that asked I'm 48 now and I've played drums since I was 16. I practiced on average 1 hour per day up until I got married in 1983. After that I slipped down to once every 3 months (just barely keeping my chops). When I bought my Double Pearls in the summer 2000 I started practicing again a few times per week. When I heard about the WFD 2 1/2 years ago I began practicing more and more. I now practice 2 hours every second day. I regained all of my chops 1 year ago and now I'm pressing forward beyond my wildest dreams to 4 stroke ruffs with my feet that sound like a single stroke.




I was only trying to say that ANY SINGLE CHOP ALONE will not make a good drummer, but rather many things put together will make a great drummer. So even though I'm big on speed.....


1) Try jamming with others.


2) Try drumming in a real studio. That is a real headspinner. Try playing with a metronome.


3) Try learning to read. Try reading CHARTS.


4) Try playing , Rock, Country , Jazz, Fusion, POP, Metal etc. They all have different feel and all use the rudiments IN DIFFERENT WAYS.


5) Try working in large and small bands. Try working with keyboard players and in bands with only guitars and drums.


6) Try playing with vocalists. This is very important because you must "take backstage" when the lead singer sings.


7) Perhaps the hardest thing to tell some drummers is this. PLAY LESS This will be what you will need to do MOST OF THE TIME. No one is impressed if you play 16th note triplets overtop of the lead vocalist !PLAY SIMPLE AND PLAY SOLID


8) Record your drumming and play it back. You will find that it sounds different when you LISTEN to it.


The drums are a powerful and expressive instrument. I pray that after you master it, that you will use it only for good.


Dan Laskowski


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Originally posted by techristian

The drums are a powerful and expressive instrument. I pray that after you master it, that you will use it only for good.


Damn, there goes my plan for world domination. :(


But seriously I'm with you, simple is good a whole lot of the time. I love a good groove better than all the chops monsters out there. Which is probably good, considering I could never even come close to the kind of technicality with which they play... *sigh*.




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Originally posted by drummercafe

There's nothing to answer. Pointing something out doesn't mean someone is for or against it. Someone asked a question ... "what's the point of the post" ... and I answered.


Yes, you are right. You may even say that, " It's called SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION," is somewhat of an ambiguous statement. I can't imagine why I asked for clarification.

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