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Didnt there used to be...


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Originally posted by Old Steve

Old Steve's an a55hole. I've met him. Completely full of {censored}.


OS is kind of like imaginary numbers-- something theoretically useful, but who doesn't acually exist.


Only in OS's case, instead of generating recursive fractals, it's simply that the mass of {censored} which fills him is greater than the mass of a similar, hypothetical mass of {censored} at 0 degrees Kelvin.


I call this phenominon "dark {censored}," and while it is useful to explain OS, dark {censored} violates a number of laws we know about matter.

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Originally posted by scarecrowbob

OS is kind of like imaginary numbers-- something theoretically useful, but who doesn't acually exist.

Only in OS's case, instead of generating recursive fractals, it's simply that the mass of {censored} which fills him is greater than the mass of a similar, hypothetical mass of {censored} at 0 degrees Kelvin.

I call this phenominon "dark {censored}," and while it is useful to explain OS, dark {censored} violates a number of laws we know about matter.


Ya know what, scarecrow...I've never augmented my identity here....no avatars, no 'quotes' at the end of posts.


That's going to change right now. New signature coming right up. :thu:

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Originally posted by Old Steve

How's it look?



Well, there is a forumite on the bass forum who is a physicist, and my argument is entirely derived from a part of his wider theory about what he called the "suck." I don't know if he's out and about there anymore (or has finally been driven into the mad hordes of the evil Subgenuis), but it was a useful explanation of many things.


While the "Lug theorem" certainly didn't provide a unified forum theory, at least his theorem was useful as a set of premises upon which to base my "dark {censored}" theory. Combined with a little emperical evidence regarding mass, it has been quite effective:


(t * AreaOfOldSteve * V){censored} > (t * AreaOfNormalSpace * V){censored}


Therefore, the AreaOfOldSteve AreaOfNormalSpace.


I this case, we can refer to my experement:


In Old Steve we observe this situation


(5posts*120mm^2*2AvgPostsPerDay) = 2.12441 x 10^12 kg/m

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Originally posted by Old Steve

Ya know what, scarecrow...I've never augmented my identity here....no avatars, no 'quotes' at the end of posts.

That's going to change right now. New signature coming right up.


I remember up till a few months ago you used to have this long ass gear list. DWs too?

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Originally posted by scarecrowbob

OS is kind of like imaginary numbers-- something theoretically useful, but who doesn't acually exist.

Only in OS's case, instead of generating recursive fractals, it's simply that the mass of {censored} which fills him is greater than the mass of a similar, hypothetical mass of {censored} at 0 degrees Kelvin.

I call this phenominon "dark {censored}," and while it is useful to explain OS, dark {censored} violates a number of laws we know about matter.



This makes no sense and is incomplete.

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Originally posted by scarecrowbob

Well, there is a forumite on the bass forum who is a physicist, and my argument is entirely derived from a part of his wider theory about what he called the "suck." I don't know if he's out and about there anymore (or has finally been driven into the mad hordes of the evil Subgenuis), but it was a useful explanation of many things.


While the "Lug theorem" certainly didn't provide a unified forum theory, at least his theorem was useful as a set of premises upon which to base my "dark {censored}" theory. Combined with a little emperical evidence regarding mass, it has been quite effective:


(t * AreaOfOldSteve * V){censored} > (t * AreaOfNormalSpace * V){censored}


Therefore, the AreaOfOldSteve AreaOfNormalSpace.


I this case, we can refer to my experement:


In Old Steve we observe this situation


(5posts*120mm^2*2AvgPostsPerDay) = 2.12441 x 10^12 kg/m

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