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p.s. thanks for the heads up, i've avoided getting a credit card until I learned that I had to use one to build my credit.



I'm sorry but the only reason why one "builds" up credit is to be able to borrow more money and stay in debt. If you are late one time, it enables the card to raise the interest to over 30%.

Even if you send the bill on the due date, they can "post" it anytime they want. For the same amount of money you pay in payments, you would do much better saving the money in a mutual fund, IRA or even a savings account.

At 20 years old, you could save enough and gain enough in an account to be close to a million dollars by the time you're forty. Me and my wife cut up our credit cards about a year ago, closed the accounts, lived on a budget, paid stuff off. We have paid off over $20,000 in debt. We are debt free, due to pay off our house by late this year and saving lots for retirement.

I'm only saying this because if we could started this when we were 20, we could be multimillionares by now. Don't borrow money, a debtor is always slave to the lender. Okay I'll stop, just let us know how your doing with it at Christmas okay?


I really would suggest the older Ludwig snares, with better heads they are perfect snares with that great classic sound.

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My suggestions probably wou;d lead to a bell brass of some kind. I've not kept up with the brands per say, but a solid bell brass cracks pretty hard, let's you cut above any kind of band rumble, and adds some sweet harmonics that may, sound unusual by themselves, but really round out the tone itself... Plus they tend to be sensitive to quieter passages as well...

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If you don't have a Ludwig Supra or a 5.5X14 wood shell drum yet, why would you get a custom drum?


buy something standard, used, so you can get a feel for what else you want out of a snare drum.


A custom drum is something you get if you can't find a normal production drum that suits you. If you haven't tried lotsa drums, how are you going to know what you want in a custom job?

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I've seen Ludwig Supraphonic suggested at least twice. You simply can't go wrong with this snare for what you describe and for its universal acceptance for all other types of music. Live or recorded. There is a reason they claim it to be the most recorded snare. Check out eBay and Craigslist. I bought an early 80s primo condition 5.5x14 Ludaloy (not steel, make sure a magnet doesn't stick to the shell...you DON'T want a steel one) Supra off eBay for under $175 including shipping. The guy had it listed as Supra Phonic instead of Supraphonic which means it wasn't getting picked up by the search most people use. You will have to pull this thing out of my cold dead hands. Extremely versatile.


Be patient (you may have to search for a few weeks) and find one in the condition and at the price point that makes sense. You can do an advanced search for completed listings to get an idea of the current eBay market price + condition. For now, I would suggest staying away from the 60s/early 70s models...these are meant for collectors (in great condition) or idiots (those caught up in the euphoria of wanting a Supra, but not smart enough to be patient).


+1M on the credit cards. You are getting some excellent counsel on one of the most important financial things you can do for yourself. I have been conservative and my credit score reflects this. My girlfriend (who has an MBA, BTW) has a credit score in the tank.

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not interested in pork pies for sure. Im almost thinking custom


Pork Pie is a custom company. But really, their production snares are very nice. I own two. I play pop punk, punk and some hardcore. I have a 5.5x12 maple and a 6.5x14 acrylic. The 12 has an awesome pop/crack that cuts through in most live situations. But its not the best for the studio. The 14 is great all around. I am just wishing that it was maple. And I am about to order a 7x14 maple. I think that will sound pretty much perfect.


But go out and play as many snares as you can. Let your ears decide.


Also, I'm a banker going to lending school. Listen to all these guys about the credit card. If you do cut it up, don't close the account. The available credit that is not being used will help your score.

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Do not use the Credit Card.


Between my card and her card, we've got just over $10,000 in debt, with at least 75% of that being music equipment. (Guitars, drums, recording stuff)...


How much of it do I still have? MUCH less than 50%...



It's too easy to overspend with a Credit Card. Now I'm having to pay for it, plus some Interest.


Don't think you won't do it. I thought the same thing. Just this once, and I'll send off the payment at the end of the month.


Credit Cards are like heroin...

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I'm sorry but the only reason why one "builds" up credit is to be able to borrow more money and stay in debt. If you are late one time, it enables the card to raise the interest to over 30%.

Even if you send the bill on the due date, they can "post" it anytime they want. For the same amount of money you pay in payments, you would do much better saving the money in a mutual fund, IRA or even a savings account.

At 20 years old, you could save enough and gain enough in an account to be close to a million dollars by the time you're forty. Me and my wife cut up our credit cards about a year ago, closed the accounts, lived on a budget, paid stuff off. We have paid off over $20,000 in debt. We are debt free, due to pay off our house by late this year and saving lots for retirement.

I'm only saying this because if we could started this when we were 20, we could be multimillionares by now. Don't borrow money, a debtor is always slave to the lender. Okay I'll stop, just let us know how your doing with it at Christmas okay?

I really would suggest the older Ludwig snares, with better heads they are perfect snares with that great classic sound.



I just got done "fighting" with one of the CC holders, who arbitrarily decided to increase the interest rate by 6%. When we asked why, they said "you made a late payment to one of your debtors" - we pulled the credit report, clean as can be.


6 months later, we finally had the interest rate restored - but it wasn't until I told them that we would discontinue payments and let it go to arbitration that they finally did something. Lots of promises during that time too...it'll be fixed in two billing cycles, it'll be fixed at the end of the month, it'll be fixed tomorrow...no dice.


It was getting to the point where I was doing conference calls from my phone at work, so that I could get a log of the call for legal purposes. I would have recorded the calls, but, not knowing where I was calling to, makes that a whole 'nother bunch of legal pitfalls.


We never made a late payment to anyone. They said they sent a letter two months prior. We never got it...



Also, for those of you that don't know - if you do get a notice about your interest rate going up - you CAN OPT OUT. Basically, they lock the ability to add more debt (purchase) so you can pay it off, at the interest rate BEFORE the notice.


So, if you have a 12% interest rate, and they send you a letter saying is going to 24% - call them, tell them you don't accept the terms, and they will shut down your Credit Card. You pay it off at 12%, then switch to someone else...

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haha agreed, I really do apreesh all the heads up about the cards, but honestly, im a very reasonably minded buyer with my money. I would never go overboard on a card.


So what does everyone think of that Blonde Birdseye Maple 13 X 6 thats for $122?

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I'd be worried about wood snares cutting through in a punk/hardcore setting, especially maple. Maple sounds great, but isn't known for it's cutting volume.


That being said, the Pork Pie Big Black could also work, but give one of those Pearl Chad Smith's a whack; I used one of those cranked tight with some body for a metal sit-in gig and it was HOT!

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O.K. I'm not even going into the credit card thing, Rob64 just pay attention to what these guys are telling you- wisdom. If loud and affordable is what your looking for, I purchased a DDrum Dominion Ash. And either I'm getting really old, Which I'm friggin' not, or it is EXTREMELY loud. The Ash is way louder then Maple. The shell is well constructed, hardwares solid, and snare and throw-off are very smooth and adjust effortlessly. I got the Black to Blue to Black finish and the hardwares a black finish also. Looks very cool. It's a 7"x13" and has a ton of punch, to the point that I have to watch myself or it cuts through to much w/ the band. I've not used it for recording yet, but we're scheduled to lay down five tracks in W.Va. in August. Right now it's listed at $149.00 on MF. I would say this is a great snare at a very reasonable price. Later, Marko :thu:

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I have GOT to stop reading these threads!! I want an ash snare pretty bad already and that really sent me over the edge........




You know as well as I your feeble attempts will be futile:evil:

Mine are every friggin' time. Marko

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