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What the heck was Yamaha thinking???


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Yamaha just made a huge mistake.


For sure! They aquire the Rogers name and try to resurrect it with this junk?

I was always under the impression that the Rydeens were contenders in their price point!? I have not had the pleasure of sitting behind a Rydeen kit, but they recieved STELLAR reviews by drumming publications as well as the drumming community! It just seems like such a step backward for a company that has such a excellent rep!:confused::idk:

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Are you serious! They are replacing the rydeens! Thats obsurd! Oh well, i guess there isnt much we can do about it. Yamaha will realize what a stupid move that they made and will try to fix it down the road sometime. In the meantime, if you want a rydeen, i guess you better act fast as they are very good sets.

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Are you serious! They are replacing the rydeens! Thats obsurd! Oh well, i guess there isnt much we can do about it. Yamaha will realize what a stupid move that they made and will try to fix it down the road sometime. In the meantime, if you want a rydeen, i guess you better act fast as they are very good sets.



Musicians friend had 5pc. standard kits for $399!!! ALL GONE!

I've been looking around at a few different online dealers, and that seems to be the scenario with the Rydeen line:cry:

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Marketing. There should be a party game called Pin the Tail on the Action.



Marketing schmarketing..I think that anyone that knows how great Rogers USA drums were and are will be gnashing their pearly whites! Bad Yamaha..bad Yamaha!!! I think they laid a big egg with this one. Fools gold.

Time will tell, I guess.

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Seriously! I saw a set at a local music store. The look and feel is at or below the CB level.



Agreed, My first set was a Jap Stencil set and the pics of the new things look like that stencil set. Notice the copycat Pearl type tom arms (Nothing bad about Pearl tom arms, just the copycat version) Lugs and hoops look really cheap as well.


Notice how one cymbal stand is double braced and the other one isn't? Are they too ashamed to show a behind the kit picture too? Then we could see the crappy kick pedal and more of the snare.


Yes, if you can find a Rydeen kit, Get it! That's what kills me too! Like clearing out the Rydeens will clear the way for more of these drums sales. I think is the same kit as the old Yamaha YD kits. THey dicountinued those for a reason....


I can't prove it but a business might see it as "we quit making the sets that we were'nt making that much on (the Rydeens) because they are built well and we market these cheaper sets that we make a beter margin on and plus people might buy more because of the Rodgers name, but if it tanks....it won't hurt the Yamaha name"


I used to be proud of Yamaha because they made great products at a decent price. It was like they didn't market anything they could be ashamed of...now they just have. My two cents.

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I know what they were thinking...Rogers...cha ching! Us older guys who knew what they are like can now reminisce with the newer guys. The newer guys hear the talk and go to rearching. Look ma, I got a Rogers kit like dad had, whatdaya think?


Yamaha always makes great drums no matter what. Yamaha-GREAT, Rogers-USED TO BE GREAT...let's put out a product and see if they bite...(no pun intended...well maybe just a little)

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I know what they were thinking...Rogers...cha ching! Us older guys who knew what they are like can now reminisce with the newer guys. The newer guys hear the talk and go to rearching. Look ma, I got a Rogers kit like dad had, whatdaya think?

Yamaha always makes great drums no matter what. Yamaha-GREAT, Rogers-USED TO BE GREAT...let's put out a product and see if they bite...(no pun intended...well maybe just a little)


I know it was no pun intended..,,but, yeah..bite they do! I've seen 'em and even their "higher end" looks like over glorified Percussion Plus! Why, oh for the luvalucy, would you market a drum line using a "high end" aquired brand name to sell your entry level equipment???? I kinda see what you are saying Carmine. I just have a soft spot for Rogers USA, and:cry: Yamaha, a company I had repect for, just jammed a rusty blade into it!:confused:

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I really mis my old Blue Ripple set 1965 or 66 don't remember.... USA made Rogers drums...these new made in china re-issue's are just so sorry....major screw-up by a major drum maker(no respect for the brand name at all) AND the sad thing is this....when a young drummer hears the name Rogers drums he or she will say oh! those they are **** this is what happens when you have been playing as long as I have...you watch your Fav's go down in flames....:cry: I have a question....why didn't DW buy the name and produce some high-end Rogers drums? Well,as I remember them they were all high-end at the time.... 1960's at least. I could just scream!!!!

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I really mis my old Blue Ripple set 1965 or 66 don't remember.... USA made Rogers drums...these new made in china re-issue's are just so sorry....major screw-up by a major drum maker(no respect for the brand name at all) AND the sad thing is this....when a young drummer hears the name Rogers drums he or she will say oh! those they are **** this is what happens when you have been playing as long as I have...you watch your Fav's go down in flames....
I have a question....why didn't DW buy the name and produce some high-end Rogers drums? Well,as I remember them they were all high-end at the time.... 1960's at least. I could just scream!!!!


See it goes both ways though...I remember when DW was nothing but a fly on the wall. That's how I remembered them until I saw the new stuff...

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A friend of mine works at the Bass Place in Tempe,az....all they sell are Bass's world wide....I was told two days ago that within 5 years all,I repeat all instruments will be made in China! Now,that being said....the makers that stay in the good ole USA....USA made such as DW or the new USA high-end stuff will cost a-lot more than now by leaps and bounds....only for the very rich musician or collector....got it from a good source. I was told to hold on to all my USA made instruments,drums,guitars,etc.:eek:

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See it goes both ways though...I remember when DW was nothing but a fly on the wall. That's how I remembered them until I saw the new stuff...


Carmine....you have a good point here and I hope some new USA maker will pick up the Drum banner should they all fall to China....which it would appear that this is what is happing(not DW yet!)Remember DW bought out a part of Camco BUT how long can the USA makers hold on with this kind of onslaught or makers period who make high-end instruments in the USA?:rolleyes: If everybody buys crap that's all they will sell.

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