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I always find it facinating when people preach about forgiveness, love, understanding, etc. but are so unwilling to ACCEPT others for what they believe. If I don't believe in YOUR God, then am I doomed for all eternity??

What about people born into a Muslim family? What about people born into a Buddhist family? What about people born into a Jewish family? Are THEY all wrong, and doomed for all eternity too? They're only practicing what they've been raised to believe.

I have this argument with my father, who raised us VERY Christianesque, and he always just tells me I'm wrong. Are all religions, with the exception of Christianity, wrong for teaching their beliefs? If you ask my father, the answer would be YES! I would assume that many of you here would say the same thing.

What if...

God, Allah, Jesus, Judah, Buddah, were the SAME ENTITY, so that all of humanity were able to connect with a Higher Power of their own beliefs?

Oh but wait, it can't be. There's only ONE true God right?

Sorry, I forgot that you are the only ones who are right in this world, and every other human being on the planet is wrong for having their own beleifs and opinions.

ANNNND, we're doomed for all eternity.

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Man, here is the deal around here, ... anyway.

As a Christian myself, sometimes I have to put my faith on my desk while I moderate around here. I can tell you for dang sure, this group of guys is really the BEST on the collective forums. Had HB made his comments on ANY other forum at HC, he would have been crucified unmercifully!

You guys show more respect than any other and it really brings a tear :cry: of pride to my heart.


The bottom line, ... some folks play drums because of the music. Some because of their faith. Some for both.


No matter why, this is a great place and you will not find more respect.


To address you personally, HB, ... when some folks come to know God (and Jesus), they feel so liberated that they want to shout it from the mountain tops and run tell everyone they know. Little do they realize that it is a complete turn off for some and in some cases, can cause a deep division between them and friends. You should know that YOU cannot change another person. You can inform and educate, but you cannot make a decision for folks. I have found that setting an example in your living is the best witness. You catch more flies with honey, ... as the old saying goes.


Just apply the Golden Rule and you will be surprised what an example your life can be.


You will also find that you have to embrace folks of all walks of life and other religions. Some of the best examples of Golden Rule abiding folks I know are Hindu or Buddist. That doesn't mean that I don't respect them or call them out on their religious beliefs.


Now, ... get back to drumming!!



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This is why I don't get involved with discussions on religion or politics. Everyone has their own beliefs and that's a beautiful thing. But I find that people on both sides tend to get ugly and that's when people get hurt.
HBdrummer take care, I'm sorry you feel the need to leave but you know what's best for you. You will be missed. Fell free to drop in once and a while.


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I think all Christians have been where you are. New believers have a fire in them that is admirable. I never did see a thread where you were preachy, and I'm sure you aren't condeming anyone here, or being close minded. Although that has been suggested. You have a right to take your comments to a different board where you will be more accepted. Unfortunately, most drum boards are hostile to anyone of faith. Good luck and come back soon.

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Unfortunately, most drum boards are hostile to anyone of faith.

Drum boards are not place to discuss Faith. Or Politics. Or Gardening. Or How To Install A New Kitchen Sink.

They're a place to discuss DRUMS!

It's not that far fetched a concept. :rolleyes:

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Being around on this rotating rock for a while has led me to a few revelations:

1) Politics and Religion have no business sharing a bed.
2)I don't care if a fellow bandmember believes in the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster; can you play, show up to the gigs and practices, and I'm happy.
3) I respect said fellow bandmembers' beliefs in the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster; Respect my right to believe otherwise and we're cool...
4) Discussing the various minutae on what is drumming, how you can improve, hints and tips don't have to have be God Approved, although if it'll help me get my single stroke rolls to sound even I'll give it a whirl:thu:

5) Music is a universal language. It doesn't matter if the faith, hope, charity, meaning, is religious or secular. One of the most emotionally uplifting pieces of music I've heard done live was seeing Beethoven's 9th Symphony, with a full orchestra and Choir. You can't get any more earthy a composer than ole Ludwig, and I saw grown men and women crying and leaping to their feet in applause. One of the truest lines I ever read didn't come from The Good Book.
it goes, thus:

.....And in the end
The Love You Take
Is equal To The Love You Make.

'Nuff Said.

:thu::thu:PEACE:thu::thu: and come back HB, we can agree to disagree...after all we're drummers, we ALL think we know best;)

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Being around on this rotating rock for a while has led me to a few revelations:

1) Politics and Religion have no business sharing a bed.

2)I don't care if a fellow bandmember believes in the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster; can you play, show up to the gigs and practices, and I'm happy.

3) I respect said fellow bandmembers' beliefs in the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster; Respect my right to believe otherwise and we're cool...

4) Discussing the various minutae on what is drumming, how you can improve, hints and tips don't have to have be God Approved, although if it'll help me get my single stroke rolls to sound even I'll give it a whirl:thu:

5) Music is a universal language. It doesn't matter if the faith, hope, charity, meaning, is religious or secular. One of the most emotionally uplifting pieces of music I've heard done live was seeing Beethoven's 9th Symphony, with a full orchestra and Choir. You can't get any more earthy a composer than ole Ludwig, and I saw grown men and women crying and leaping to their feet in applause. One of the truest lines I ever read didn't come from The Good Book.

it goes, thus:

.....And in the end

The Love You Take

Is equal To The Love You Make.

'Nuff Said.

and come back HB, we can agree to disagree...after all we're drummers, we ALL think we know best;)

I'm sorry you are just going to have to respect the fact that the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster is a pagen God. Shame on you. We all know that the Great Flying Lasagna Monster is the ultimate Truth.

Now may you worship the all-holy Lasagna Monster. In all his saucey goodness, you non-believer. May cottage cheese save your spaghetti soul from eternal damnation.

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HB--I understand your thoughts and feelings,I've been where you've been,be steady friend. People who have been down that road understand, and those that havn't, havn't.It's like tell someone what being high is,very hard.I can't tell you how to feel or what to think, but I can ask you to think some more about your decision-you are the one that steers your boat.Don't be to hard on yourself, or others. be peaceable

Thanks Zildjian! I will no longer express my faith while on this forum..I'll try not to.I'm glad there is at least one other member who knows where I'm coming from. Hey your from Katy?? The hometown of one of my favorite bands of all time King's X! Cool!:thu:

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Your personal story makes it all make sense now. Recovering addicts typically replace their addiction with a new one, and it is clear you have here. Happens all the time, and I see it everyday. How dare you take this holier than thou attitude towards members of these forums, many who have been in their faith much longer than you as it appears.

With the extremely ignorant, rude and hypocritical statements you have chosen to use in your weak defense, I have to say Ill be glad when the forum is clear of your tripe. Hopefully someday you will learn that insulting people who dont agree 100% with you is not a glamorous way to show your devotion.

Bye now, I truly hope.


Merlin... I am sorry that you feel that way. I made a hasty decision to part ways with my forum friends. I hold no resentment toward you or anyone else who voices their opinions on what equipment works for them or whatever. I have 32 years of drumming experience under my expanding belt. I have played alot of different drums and now have found the ONE that works best for me. You can have your "style" and I will have mine..We have that free will to choose what is best for us. I promise to keep my comments about faith under wraps..unless someone PMs me. Peace.

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Don't leave HB. I'm the one who started all of this.

All day I've been looking over my posts and HB's as well. The best I can see, all he and I did was give our opinion. I can't see where either of us insulted anyone, told anyone they were going to Hell or pointed any fingers.

If anyone was insulted, bashed and ridiculed it was HB and I.

He and/or I were called such things as bigot, fool, ignorant (several times. Although I have two science degrees) and told to {censored} off as well. And if I'm not mistaken, we were even numbered among terrorists.

Neither HB nor myself ever told anyone what they should believe. We only spoke of our belief. We however were told that our beliefs were beneath that of others here. HB and I were further saddened by that awful poster of our Savior on the cross and the blasphemous writings underneath it.

So to sum it all up gentlemen, in my opinion, it was HB and myself who were wronged here.

And the bottom line is... It all was in an OFF TOPIC POST!

I'm not leaving.


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Thanks Zildjian! I will no longer express my faith while on this forum..I'll try not to.I'm glad there is at least one other member who knows where I'm coming from. Hey your from Katy?? The hometown of one of my favorite bands of all time King's X! Cool!

I here one of those guys from Kings X runs a studio or something in the music biz-----:wave:

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Don't leave HB. I'm the one who started all of this.

All day I've been looking over my posts and HB's as well. The best I can see, all he and I did was give our opinion. I can't see where either of us insulted anyone, told anyone they were going to Hell or pointed any fingers.

If anyone was insulted, bashed and ridiculed it was HB and I.

He and/or I were called such things as bigot, fool, ignorant (several times. Although I have two science degrees) and told to {censored} off as well. And if I'm not mistaken, we were even numbered among terrorists.

Neither HB nor myself ever told anyone what they should believe. We only spoke of our belief. We however were told that our beliefs were beneath that of others here. HB and I were further saddened by that awful poster of our Savior on the cross and the blasphemous writings underneath it.

So to sum it all up gentlemen, in my opinion, it was HB and myself who were wronged here.

And the bottom line is... It all was in an OFF TOPIC POST!

I'm not leaving.




Isn't it clear to the people on all sides of this by now? The answer is to stop talking about religion in a drum forum. I'm sorry that people are offended by HB and FP. I'm sorry that HB and FP are offended by those who respond.


Clearly it is impossible to just "ignore" posts you don't want to read. You can't tell that you don't want to read them until you read a bit of it. At that point, some people may be ticked off. But the fact is, it's highly unlikely that either side of this debate will point a finger at the other, or post harsh words if THE TOPIC IS RELATED TO DRUMMING.


Come on people. Stop sullying the forum with this stuff. Keep it to drum talk. If you feel that that's too restrictive, try talking to someone in PMs or...hold onto your seat...IN REAL LIFE.

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