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Equipment failure! Back up gear for a gig?


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My Brothers,


During the middle of our set at a festival yesterday, I broke the spring on my kick pedal. I had repair parts in the hardware case, but no time to change it, and I had to play the last half without a kick.


I have spare heads, and a extra snare drum, but not a spare kick pedal. The drummer for the following band told me he keeps one right behind his throne during a gig and change out is one minute.


This is the first time in over 30 years of playing that this happened to me, and I won't ever be without a spare again. What other spare gear do you bring to a gig?

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always a complete kick pedal. Always a complete snare. I can get through a gig if most anything else takes a {censored}. If a kick batter head broke I'd be outta luck.



use a playable unported reso, you can flip the bitch if needed.


I only bring what I need, haven't broke {censored} in years and don't really have aggressive style gigs anymore.

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For my gigs, nuthin'. Not likely to break anything.


For the kid's rock gigs, complete pedal and complete snare, each can change out in seconds. He's never broken a tom or snare head (nor even dented one) even though he hits wicked hard.


If he breaks a bd head . . . well, we always have a large roll of gaffer's tape. :eek:

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I always have a back up snare. It only takes one time to get into that habit. Usually have some back-up heads on hand as well. I'll keep the most recent take-offs, put them all in one box and stash them in an amp rack.


The first time Jake used our acrolite on a gig, it let loose about halfway through War Pigs.I was standing behind the stage when the singer stuck his head around the corner and said "Jake needs another snare". That was a fun switch, but he never missed a beat.

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My Brothers,


It was a friggin' Iron Cobra pedal that went out! I changed both springs today, and I'll have a spare one sitting behind me at every gig from now on!


Amazing what you sound like and how awkward it feels to play without a kick!

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I busted my spring at practice the other day. Took my about ten minutes to make something that'd work till the end of the night.


I go out with nothing.

I keep a tuning key, duct tape, and extra sticks.


A Question though.

Kick pedals, extra snares, drum heads, Etc.

How do you guy tote these "Just in case" items to your show? Is there a hardcase with everythin you might need, or is it loose for whatver you might think to grab before heading out the door.

Where do you keep all this at the show?

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My Brothers,


Spare heads kept in each size drum case.

Spare snare in it's case behind me.

Spare kick pedal (now!) out of it's case behind me.

Spare parts, springs, washers, keys, etc. in a small tool box in the trap case.

Spare sticks in a case on the floor and two on a holder clamped to a cymbal stand.

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To all of you who bring extra heads, I've always wondered...what's the point? If you break a head in the middle of a set, you're out at least 1 song by the time you get it out, get the old one off and the new one on again. I guess you can do it quickly, but it seems like a major energy-killer. There's just a bunch of dead time while you're changing it!

I guess if you're playing multiple sets it's not so much of an issue

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To answer a coupla questions. . .


I keep my extra snare and pedal right behind me on the riser/stage. Easy to change one or both of 'em out w/in the space between songs (let the lead singer do some of his/her schpiel)


As for the extra head point. . .they're not to be changed w/in the set, but in between sets. Improvise and adapt until the set is over.


I've only had one major equipment break in my 30 years of giggin', aside from the occasional drunken singer knocking over a cymbal stand, etc.. It was when the spring finally failed on my old trusty 80's pearl pedal. I just comp'd time w/ the hats using my left foot, used my floor tom as the bass and made it through the song. Reached behind me, grabbed the extra pedal, switched 'em out. . . bingo.


I have had bass drum heads fail. ..well, i've had the outer layer of a pinstripe bass head split on me, but the inner was fine for the rest of the set. Prolly one of the major reasons I use a pinstripe on all of my bassdrums.

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Kick pedals, extra snares, drum heads, Etc.

How do you guy tote these "Just in case" items to your show? Is there a hardcase with everythin you might need,
or is it loose for whatver you might think to grab before heading out the door.

Where do you keep all this at the show?

the boldies. I just grabbem.

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Had a pedal spring break once. It was a double pedal, I just shifted to sitting sidesaddle for the rest of the song, then shifted the slave pedal spring to the primary. Had my hihat clutch unscrew many times, took to using a set of vise-grip plier on it to tighten it ;>( Had the hihat foot pedal to rod connector unscrew itself, played the rest of the gig with closed hats. I've had snare stands loosen and have to hold the snare from tilting with my legs. I've had cymbal tilters tilt/drop on their own during a song. Busted a snare head, just used a nearby tom for the backbeat.


Spare snare batter in the snare case, extra bass pedal spring, that's about all I take anymore. You CAN play a bass drum resonant head with a hole in it as a batter as long as it's an offset smaller hole like 5" or less. Quick to swap around if the toms aren't mounted to it.


If I was touring out of town, I'd not be without a replacement pedal and at least one batter head per drum.



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