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So, reheading my acro for jazz


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my school, poor public charter but with amazing teachers and students and a wealth of talent, has an American Pianist Association jazz finalist coming to rehearse with us this upcoming fall. Our jazz band is pretty different, the most talented members were all garage band and some of us jam with eachother all the time... i could go on for days BUT


long story short, my friend and I, who are the main drummers, are trying to jazz up our set up as much possible (we have a beat up vintage slingerland that was donated). I've probably mentioned and psoted pics odf that set before


Anyway, I am going to set up my acro for jazz and I need help. I'm going to keep it seperate from all other band equipment cause some people beat the hell out of equipment.


I'm thinking fyberskyn batter, but is it durable enough?

what snares should I get?

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yep, coated single ply always works for me. I personally like the coated Ludwig heads that come with the acro's and supra's. Plus if you're going to brush it often fiberskyns are a little too slick IMO, unless it's a real small group. If you're dead set on a warmer head, try the Aquarian modern vintage. Also, durability usually isn't an issue for jazz use only.

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If you need to do light brushwork, a coated Ambassador should do fine. If it was me though, I'd just slap a Falams K on it and worry about playing idiomatically.


One caution, if you're not real smooth on swing and non funky jazz styles, the crisper the snare tone, the antsier the feel.

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I've never really liked anything on my Acro other than a coated Ambassador or a coated Ludwig Marching head as far as jazz tones go. I tried it with a Fiberskyn once, and it was too dry and boring. Don't care for a coated Evans G1 on it for some reason. Definitely sucked with an Aquarian Studio X. A coated Pinstripe wasn't half bad actually...

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yep, coated single ply always works for me. I personally like the coated Ludwig heads that come with the acro's and supra's. Plus if you're going to brush it often fiberskyns are a little too slick IMO, unless it's a real small group. If you're dead set on a warmer head, try the Aquarian modern vintage. Also, durability usually isn't an issue for jazz use only.



those Modern Vintage heads are nice,got one on a piccolo snare

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I'm also thinking about no longer using my 5.5 by 14 bronze

(http://drums-percussion.musiciansfriend.com/product/Ludwig-Bronze-Snare-Drum?sku=447759) as my main snare.


Over the last year, my taste in gear has really shifted in drums.I'm much more picky about heads. I switched to coated on my toms, and god, I wish I'd done it much earlier. I sue to like a modern soudning head on my snare, now I can't wait to get it off.


I'm thinking I want to completely upgrade my acrolite and switch them and see how I feel. The acro is drier, warmer and quieter and that's my taste nowadays. The bronze snare pops out too loud for me. That, and I need the cash. I'm going to get a new strainer for the acro. I can make back more than what I paid on it cause I bought it on clearance plus sale.

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Over the last year, my taste in gear has really shifted in drums.I'm much more picky about heads. I switched to coated on my toms, and god, I wish I'd done it much earlier.


it's amazing how this happens as you get more experienced ears :p


I've never heard either drum, so the only advice I can give you is to just try it and see which one fits better (which you already said you're going to do, so I'm basically useless to you)

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Yep, I'll see if my mom will be cool and buy the parts I need to get the acro up and running (new snares, tension rods for batter cause I lost them somewhere..., ludwig p86 strainer cause the p85 sucks, new batter head)

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ludwig p86 strainer cause the p85 sucks, new batter head)



I've thought of swapping my p83 on my supra (only because I have to lubricate it every other month) for an 86 because they look sweet, but I've read that they often have problems with the screws not holding as well as the 85's. I always thought the 85's are great for the price.

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The acro does sound best with a ludwig head, but a g1 will do in a pinch.



yep, I swapped out the ludwig for a g1. It was good, but I ended up swapping them back. Now I'm using that same ludwig head on my Supra. I'm going to replace it soon, thinking I'm going to try an aquarian texture coated.

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