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ticket to Bozzio, let the flaming begin..


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I would not be drumming anymore if it wasn't for watching a Bozzio DVD seven years ago. Not being able to play in bands anymore, why drum? But then I heard Bozzio.
If no one else is ever going to hear me again, why not just focus on being creative and having fun I thought..I tried to build a Bozzio type set, couldn't, and ended up with the monstrosity I play now.
Got a ticket for a local clinic, a couple hundred people will be there, and he won't have his set. The little music store is going to "set him up". It can't be much, but still, he could be creative and unique on a pair of bongos.
I am tempted to contact him, offer my set, I would love to hear him have a go on it.
Better yet, a duo, talk about fun! It would make my drumming life..
Start flaming now..

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no flames from me, sir. Bozzio is just phenomenol. Other than some questionable taste in haircuts, I have nothing but praise for the guy.
How cool would it be to do a dual drumming thing with him! I say you contact him, and offer up the kit. Why the hell not?
Have a GREAT time, and be sure you give up the details the day after.

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The only other drummer who has played my kit that looked semi-comfortable was Manouver (sp?), Tim, on this forum at jam1. He looked comfortable, understood the set purpose, and could rock it. Lots of tried, most get lost, so they try to keep it simple.
Bozzio would understand.

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Playing WITHOUT his kit?

My my my...
Must be that people aren't as willing to pay his retardedly ridiculous appearance fee (PLUS cartage for his kit) as he thought.

No comment on him as a player of a musical style I have no interest in, but I know what his performance agreement and rider for clinics look like, and that would be enough to turn me off.




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No way no flaming.

Terry has been a big influence, and even though I am not a huge fan of his solo stuff, I LOVE his style and uniqueness on material where he supports a band. Spring Session M - Missing Persons, Sex and Religion - Steve Vai, Jeff Beck's Guitar Shop - Jeff Beck Danger Money - UK, and the tracks he played on the Korn album blow me away. I love his approach and a sound that is totally his. Of course his Frank stuff is great as well.

In the early 90's I was totally emmersed by Terry - even bought a bunch of his "Visions" cymbals. haha -- until I walked into the drum shop where I bought all those cymbals and the guy said "hey, there is the Bozzio guy!" .....right then I had to get rid of them!

but anyways... he has always thought outside the box as far as his approach and sound, I hope you like his clinic. Nowadays, it seems he really is into the mystical drum love guru- thing..but it really doesnt surprise me. He has always been really deep person and a smart musician. Just when I thought he went over the edge, he plays on that Korn record and I remembered why I love him so much.

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I first heard TB playing on Zappa, but being a fairly young kid didn't ' Get' Uncle Frank then - but I certainly got what a monster Drummer was playing. Next Time I heard him was on the UK Danger Money album, then the Night After Night Live in Japan.....


1K1 - the live Version is even more hyper...



Doesn't suprise me at all that he'd show up on a Korn CD....He's part of that circle of players that can, literally, play anything they want, any style, genre, you name it...As for his Megakit wanderings lately, they don't do a whole lot for me, but the fact that he's experimenting with the form, and adding new ideas to how to approach drum playing shows a willingness to put it out there, and not simply rest on his brand name. Would willingly go and see him were he close to my area.

As for him not bringing one of his megakits with him....Sincerely doubt that will restrict him in any way of dropping jaws of those in attendance. Like Benny Greb Proved....If you can play a Spongebob Drumkit and make it sound like this :



It ain't the gear....its the player.



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Yeah, the guy seems to have effortless energy. There's a spot on SNL w/the Zappa group where he's all over the place with those modulated convoluted triplet fills and Ruth Underwood is playing Greekish runs real fast and the brass is on some kind of Vegas hyper funk thing and Frank is conducting in 4 and I still could barely stay with it. Never saw it again. There's some stuff on YTube but not this particular spot. Wish I could get a copy. Anybody familiar with it?

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send the music store links to your videos and offer them your kit for the performance. They should be your first point of contact. I think Terry might turn it down because it is a bit intimidating. my favorite Terry works are the baby snakes DVD and Poly town CD. He's a giant, a bit of ego isn't unwarranted.

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