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I was robbed at work today.


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Man that sucks. At knife-point im pretty sure id've done exactly the same thing.


And get your boss to change security companies. The one youve got sucks beyond all possible description, at work if we hit the silent alarm the building is surrounded by cops within minutes.

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Originally posted by chunkathalon

So you wouldn't have kung foo kicked the guy's knife away if you were me?

Thanks ya'll. I feel a bit better.



Dude... As was said, it's not MY money, so what the {censored} do I care?


In the video of that local guy getting knifed, he screams and squeals like a stuck pig and EVERYONE makes fun of him. "I would have done this, I would have done that"... I was actually just having this conversation with my singer the other night. What *I* (and probably everyone else) would have done was not realize what the guy was doing until it was to late, and then fall on the floor kicking at the guy and screaming just like the guy in the video did.


My sensei once explained knife fighting to us like this: Assuming you also have a knife (And you both know how to use them), you have about a 33% chance of living.


If he is better than you, you die.

If you both equally skilled, you both die.

If you are better than him, you live.


What do you suppose your chances are without a knife?


I'm not even going to think about {censored}ing with someone in a knife unless I am absolutely certain he is going to hurt someone with it... that's all there is to it.


As I said before, {censored} your co-workers... it's easy to talk {censored} while you're sitting around having a smoke and eating twinkies.

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Originally posted by Dark Slide

Dude... As was said, it's not MY money, so what the {censored} do I care?

In the video of that local guy getting knifed, he screams and squeals like a stuck pig and EVERYONE makes fun of him. "I would have done this, I would have done that"... I was actually just having this conversation with my singer the other night. What *I* (and probably everyone else) would have done was not realize what the guy was doing until it was to late, and then fall on the floor kicking at the guy and screaming just like the guy in the video did.

My sensei once explained knife fighting to us like this: Assuming you also have a knife (And you both know how to use them), you have about a 33% chance of living.

If he is better than you, you die.

If you both equally skilled, you both die.

If you are better than him, you live.

What do you suppose your chances are without a knife?

I'm not even going to think about {censored}ing with someone in a knife unless I am absolutely certain he is going to hurt someone with it... that's all there is to it.

As I said before, {censored} your co-workers... it's easy to talk {censored} while you're sitting around having a smoke and eating twinkies.





And I understand someone getting shot dead when attacking someone else with a knife. It's completely advisable to do so.


You did exactly the right thing.

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Originally posted by fretless

that guy got lucky , and he must of known your schedule and may even be a regular , so prepare for the next time . Hey these are becoming popular



I was attacked by a schizo gone off their meds in January. That afternoon I got some pepper spray. On Valentine's day the same loony tried attacking me again, except this time he got a face full of spray and a two week stay in jail (his court case is still in process). I was lucky in that I saw him before he could try anything and that gave me time to prep the spray.


Definitely get something for self protection. From the people I've talked to, Fox pepper spray is the best (you can get it at www.selfdefenseproducts.com ).


Still, unless you know something's gonna go down, just do what the person with the knife says.

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Did he look like he was drugged out? Did he ask for you to punch his card? Did he grab the tip jar?


You did exactly the right thing, man. I'd have told the management to stuff it if they expected me to work the rest of the shift. I have a neighbor who worked at a bank that was constantly targeted. After the last time where they shot right at her, "through bullet proof glass", she took the rest of the day off. Her manager suspended her for leaving. She now is retired early with a nice little severance package. I guess you could say the bank got robbed twice that day....


This sort of thing really makes you aware, no?

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Glad you are OK, Chunky. When I got robbed, the guy put a 357 Mag on my cheek and yelled for the money. I said "Hey, it's Pizza Hut's money, not mine. " He seemed to calm right down. They caught him, I fingered him in court, they found him guilty, and then he escaped. I was more nervous that he was gonna come back and cap me for testifying than I was during the actual robbery. :D

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Originally posted by Joey Joe Joe

Chunk, that really sucks! Glad to hear you're alright though. I'd be {censored}ting my pants in that situation, then I'd be incredibly pissed afterwards.

Is the job worth keeping? Where do you work?


I work in a little coffee shop downtown. This is the first time they've been robbed like this in at least three years. I feel safe. If the guy comes in tomorrow and robs me again, maybe he won't look so nervous.

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When I was in college I worked at a Pizza Hut for a while. One night we got robbed. There were four of us in the restaurant: me, the shift manager, another cook, and a waiter. The waiter saw the guys come in, including seeing one of them before they pulled the pantyhose over their heads. Next thing I knew they were pointing a gun at us an telling us to hit the floor. I dove. One of the guys starts fiddling with the cash register and can't open it. He then yells at us to open the register. I expected the manager to get up and do it, but he was too busy wetting himself, so I did. I got a real good look at the gun the guy was holding on me. They told us to stay on the floor until after they left. We closed the store afterwards. The police came. The first question they asked was if the video camera up on the wall worked. Of course, it was just a dummie cam -- just a box with a lens and a LED. Everyone gave our statements. They wanted to know what the guys looked like, but I couldn't say anything other than one had a mustache due to the panyhose. But I was able to give the worlds most accurate description of the gun they used. Miracles do happen cause a week later, they caught the two guys. The waiter gave a positive ID.

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Originally posted by picker13

When I was in college I worked at a Pizza Hut for a while. One night we got robbed. There were four of us in the restaurant: me, the shift manager, another cook, and a waiter. The waiter saw the guys come in, including seeing one of them before they pulled the pantyhose over their heads. Next thing I knew they were pointing a gun at us an telling us to hit the floor. I dove. One of the guys starts fiddling with the cash register and can't open it. He then yells at us to open the register. I expected the manager to get up and do it, but he was too busy wetting himself, so I did. I got a real good look at the gun the guy was holding on me. They told us to stay on the floor until after they left. We closed the store afterwards. The police came. The first question they asked was if the video camera up on the wall worked. Of course, it was just a dummie cam -- just a box with a lens and a LED. Everyone gave our statements. They wanted to know what the guys looked like, but I couldn't say anything other than one had a mustache due to the panyhose.
But I was able to give the worlds most accurate description of the gun they used.
Miracles do happen cause a week later, they caught the two guys. The waiter gave a positive ID.


Want to join the HCBF "Been Robbed While Working At Pizza Hut" club? :D

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