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Bass Playing: No More Apologies


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this is the best thread in a long time.


People spend way too much much time thinking their gear is more important than themselves. Your gear is only a tool; it means nothing without you.


The people that sell stuff depend on fools giving up their money and believing that if they only has THIS bass or THAT amp, they would instantly sound like their heroes. It's all crap.


As long as you have a decent bass and a powerful enough amp to be heard, the rest of it is up to YOU.


Congrats to T-broom.

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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

While I understand your comment and agree...

Don't get me wrong...I don't possess any flash whatsoever. If I had to produce a run of 16th notes at a reasonable tempo, I don't think I could do it and am not sure that I want to be able to do it honestly. I do want to improve my playing...but to me that means more about playing the right notes at the right time instead of filling the void with sound.



i hear ya. there are a few very skilled bass players in town, but only one i considered asking to take some lessons with...i'm not sure if he EVER has gone into the territory of 16th notes...but everything he plays is PERFECT, with truly sick groove. i guess i brought over some ability to move fleetly on the bass from playing guitar, but what gets me going, and what i keep striving for, is to be able to provide that big foundation of sound.


and it's very true, that guy i wanted to take lessons with was the most gracious guy i've played in front of whereas i can think of three flashier players that wanted to tell me how wrong my eq was or whatnot right off the top of my head.

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Awesome T-Broom.


I used to be about chops and not about the groove.


I'm finding myself with less and less time, so even if I wanted to I probably couldn't keep up all my chops. But laying down the foundation is where it's at for me. It's not a hard job, but requires the right way of thinking and I love it.



"You can't hold no groove if you ain't got no pocket!"

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Playing one note per song or a million, it doesn't really matter in that context, as long as the song calls for it. Using poor technique however; does matter PERIOD.....does one wish to play bass for the rest of their lives? if the answer is yes...you damned sure better learn some good technique, it's there not only to make playing easier but also to reduce injury.

So...be my guest and play what works for ya' you'll get no "I told you so" from me when your scheduling an appointment for CTS.

Laugh all you want...

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Props t-broom.


Play what the song and the band requires, not what someone else thinks is impressive. Use whatever technique works for you as long as it doesn't cause any injuries down the road. You will become known for holding down a solid foundation, which is what is going to keep you busy in the long run.

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you go girl!


I had a similiar epiphany just one week ago....all throughout my trumpet playing days (JH, HS and college) all i really wanted to play was bass or guitar (mostly bass). unfortunately, two of my good friends and musical colleagues were highly accomplished bass players (one is currently touring internationally and recording with a VERY popular artist and the other plays in a number of successful local bands) so i was always really intimidated by them and the instrument. last year i started playing guitar and i was pretty happy with it, until recently when i wanted to play with other people. after 'jamming' with a few groups, i realized how much i would prefer to play bass.


i was sick of denying myself what i really wanted, so i bought the cheapest freaking local bass i could find on eBay (which has actually turned out to be pretty decent find) and started learning me some bass.


Victor Wooten won't ever feel threatened by me (nor will my bass virtuoso friends, i imagine) but i'll be damned if i'm not a lot more satisfied already.


sorry for the restimonial/rant, but i was inspired by TB's post :)


thanks for reading, if you made it this far!

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I'm definitely with you guys on this one, and with you as well, t-broom.

Dude must have been out of his mind to critique in that manner.


The music requires whatever you want to give it so that it sounds good to you, and it all needs room to breath.


I still play fast when it's needed, and slow when it's not needed. I answer to no one for my playing, just myself.

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Originally posted by Fran da Man

Laugh all you want...


I'm not laughing.


I said my fretting hand appears awkward...matter of fact you're the one that made the comment to that effect when I posted pics from the party that my band did a few weeks ago. You said that "your fretting hand looks stressed in all those pictures" apparently based on the way I hold my hand...specifically the middle finger. You may be right about the stress...I'm not an MD. I do know that it looks goofy but my hand never hurts when I play. I assume that I'm not damaging my hands if they're not hurting...could be wrong though.


And don't take this as some kind of attack on you. It's just that your comments in that post...coupled with Mr. "I've Been Playing 42 Years'" comments got me to thinking about things. I'm not mad at him or you. As a matter of fact, there's a very good chance that his band and my band will be playing together on Labor Day...we're trying to work out the details right now. I just realized that I do this because I enjoy it and for no other reason.


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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

...I'm on stage...not them...



this is what its all about.

i go to see bands sometimes and see people sitting out in the crowd critiquing everything. when i'm on the stage i think about those guys that are out there. it took me a while, and sometimes i need a reminder, but those guys are sitting in the crowd. they aren't on the stage. i dont care what the bedroom rockstars think. if my band and the crowd likes what i'm doing then thats all that matters.

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Man if you like how you sound, and your bandmates like your playing, then everything is OK.

Bass playin is not a sience, it should be fun, so do it any way you like it, worst thing is to get your self in copying somebodys bass lines or sound or....


Dont give up dude ;)

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The old cod came from a regemented era where nobody was allowed to think outside the box. Somewhere along the line he decided to let his fingers do the talking and as it turned out he talks too much! I know a bunch of fret burners and they every last one of them are compensating some short coming or another. It's so much fun to play with musicians who are void of self agrandizing motives. I find the older I get the more maluable and easy it is to communicate and groove with others thru music. If you play out a lot it's more important to connect with your audience rather than impress them and play comfortably within yourself. My two cents......

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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

"I've Been Playing 42 Years"



Did he actually say that to you? If people use that line on you, that's usually a pretty good indication that the world won't end if you stop listening to them.


As everyone's said, just do your thing and be happy with it. If, at some point, you want to learn how to play faster or flashier, you can always learn. The real key is learning when not to do it once you can.

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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

I'm not laughing.

I said my fretting hand appears awkward...matter of fact you're the one that made the comment to that effect when I posted pics from the party that my band did a few weeks ago. You said that "your fretting hand looks stressed in all those pictures" apparently based on the way I hold my hand...specifically the middle finger. You may be right about the stress...I'm not an MD. I do know that it looks goofy but my hand never hurts when I play. I assume that I'm not damaging my hands if they're not hurting...could be wrong though.

And don't take this as some kind of attack on you. It's just that your comments in that post...coupled with Mr. "I've Been Playing 42 Years'" comments got me to thinking about things. I'm not mad at him or you. As a matter of fact, there's a very good chance that his band and my band will be playing together on Labor Day...we're trying to work out the details right now. I just realized that I do this because I enjoy it and for no other reason.


No thunder, don't get me wrong here, i'm not berating you (althought it may seem that way?) i'm just trying to get you to look at how your hands are working. (play in front of a mirror) that will reveal alot about your mechanics. It may not seem important now, how good your hands work, in the long run it will make complex fingering a breeze, try adam nitti's experiment on his lesson site (the one about not using your thumb). I also used a bad method of playing when i was new to it, no one ever mentioned anything about using my pinkey (i used to keep it tucked in) till i discovered the boogy woogy walk line was easier to do with 4 fingers. I pay more attention now because of my age, and I would like to spend the rest of my life playing bass, rather than being a spectator with memories of "i used to be able to do that". I don't want to see you, myself, or anyone else get injured from something so easily prevented.

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Originally posted by Fran da Man

No thunder, don't get me wrong here, i'm not berating you (althought it may seem that way?) i'm just trying to get you to look at how your hands are working. (play in front of a mirror) that will reveal alot about your mechanics. It may not seem important now, how good your hands work, in the long run it will make complex fingering a breeze, try adam nitti's experiment on his lesson site (the one about not using your thumb). I also used a bad method of playing when i was new to it, no one ever mentioned anything about using my pinkey (i used to keep it tucked in) till i discovered the boogy woogy walk line was easier to do with 4 fingers. I pay more attention now because of my age, and I would like to spend the rest of my life playing bass, rather than being a spectator with memories of "i used to be able to do that". I don't want to see you, myself, or anyone else get injured from something so easily prevented.


Great post!


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Originally posted by Thrash Jazz

Did he actually say that to you? If people use that line on you, that's usually a pretty good indication that the world won't end if you stop listening to them.



+1 I've almost been playing 42 years and look where it's gotten me.


..watches tumbleweed's lonely trek as it blows passed across the desert if inopportunity.

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The #1 feel-good thread of the year! Everybody is good in their own special way and nobody sucks (except the guy who likes to suck)! YAAAAAAYYYY! There will be a group hug and a kumbaya sing-along commencing in the lobby in 5 minutes.


(Where's Yubby when you need him?) :)

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Originally posted by Smorgasboy

The #1 feel-good thread of the year! Everybody is good in their own special way and nobody sucks (except the guy who likes to suck)! YAAAAAAYYYY! There will be a group hug and a kumbaya sing-along commencing in the lobby in 5 minutes.

(Where's Yubby when you need him?)


I sense sarcasm in your post. You need to eat a bowl of Happy-O's this morning. Ah, Happy-O's, the cereal with added vitimans and thorizine!

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