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OT: Computer Desk Top Setting


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It's been a while since I've worked on consumer SW dev, but in general, it seemed to be multi-modal and something that you have to keep in mind when specing your system requirements and UI design


When I was last involved, Laptop users would usually run at a lower res than desktop users


older users would tend to run lower res and dev guys would tend to run much higher


I would SUSPECT (I have no hard numbers, just personal observation) that folks going to a (std res) TV may tend to stay at the lower res


I suspect UI support for 800 x 600 for a general use type product would still be wise, but that's really for marketing to say


so the above is really a long winded way to say "I dunno"


(personally, I'm fluid with it)



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2560x1024 here. ;)



CRTs are still the most common, and I do on-site computer work every day. 800x600 is still what most people run in. The only exception is if they got the computer with an LCD and then it's typically set to whatever the native resolution is.


Windows XP defaults to 800x600 when installing if it picks up the video drivers, and unless the aftermarket drivers change it, most people leave it at the standard one, regardless of how big and ugly it looks.


When we build new systems, I still put it in 800x600 before it goes out the door, because otherwise too many people complain that it's "too small to read".

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