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What do you do with your money?

SA Rios

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Do you guys have band funds that you put all your money into or do you split it up after each show? I was in a bar band that split the $$$ after each show, it was pretty nice, but when it came time to record or buy {censored} everyone had to chip in. The band I'm in now has a band fund where every cent we make goes into. Much easier when we have to drop some cash.

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One band I was in had a band fund that worked out like dues. We each put in $20 a week. It was an amount we could all afford without much hassle.


After gigs, once we paid for gas, food, and drinks, we would put a portion into the band fund.


It added up pretty quickly and we opened a bank account after a little while. It allowed us to pay for recording studio costs pretty easily. If the band had kept going, I would have looked into putting some of the money into a CD or something that would earn a little.

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I don't like collective band accounts. Joint ownership of band assets makes for unneccessary difficulties when the inevitable parting of ways occurs, and often makes those partings far more painful than they ought be.


I vastly prefer when an individual owns some asset the band is using. In my case, I own the PA but my bassist owns a pair of cabs that we use with it. When that day comes, we know who gets what because individual ownership is already established. Likewise, when my drummer eventually goes on his way the electronic drums are HIS.


Now if the band members are drawing salary from a band corporation then of course you need a corporate bank account. But IMO your typical bar band should just split any proceeds equitably.

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We have a little band kitty for duct tape etc but nothing for big gear. I take every dollar I earn from gigs and put it is a savings account. Over the past 7-8 years the account has grown to a tad over $30,000. The other guys in the band laugh at me for this but I take a deposit slip and night deposit envelope with me to every gig and I usually make the deposit on the way home from the gig. Less temptation to spend it that way. :thu:

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Originally posted by coyote-1

I don't like collective band accounts. Joint ownership of band assets makes for unneccessary difficulties when the inevitable parting of ways occurs, and often makes those partings far more painful than they ought be.



I agree.


Our band account is used ONLY for consumable stuff like recording our demo, blank CD's, labels, flyers, mailings and such. All of the hardware is individually owned by the band.

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All your gear is seperate too. Everyone owns their own gear. The PA is owned by the drummer and I (we go way back and have been in 4 bands together) he band fund is only used for recording, merch, and promotional stuff. It came in really handy this past year when our recording cost were around 10,000. If we would have been splitting up the $$$ I would have had a tough time coming up with my portion.

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Originally posted by Monkabutt

We have a little band kitty for duct tape etc but nothing for big gear. I take every dollar I earn from gigs and put it is a savings account. Over the past 7-8 years the account has grown to a tad over $30,000.




That's almost as slick as your Wallace & Gromit avatar.

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The very first bar band that I played in was together for nearly 20 years. Players came and went but the original neuclius (sp?) of 3 members were in it all the way.


We tried every scheme known to mankind to keep from screwing the other band members without getting screwed.


The best solution that we could come up with was to count the whole band as an equal part and put aside that cut for operating expenses.


All the other members were paid equally.


It was a running joke about the "corp." running off with the money.


At the end of the year we took half the band fund or whatever and threw the Xmas party from hell.


Anyone who played in the band that year was invited to a free beer bash.


Sometime the "corp" wouldn't have enough money to pay for a surprise expense and everybody had to dig. Nobody got paid untill we all had our out of pocket money back.


We had a WHOLE sound system ripped off one time. I played awhile free over that one.


It worked for us but ymmv.

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we pile all of our money into a band fund too, its in our name as a joint account


it takes 2 signatures to get money out, but none to put any in

As much as I trust my band mates and they trust me, it still saves the hassle if things go bad and one of them gets the idea to drain the account. Its cheap protection.



Plus we only use it for consumable stuff. if one band member quits, they'll get their share of the money. all the other gear is owned by the individual members

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