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NO bull crap with alter EGOs


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I'd like you a lot better if you went off your medications for a while, then went on a rant/tirade/tantrum which necessitates your banning. Then, come back under a different moniker but make it abundantly obvious that it's really you. Then I'd like you a whole lot better.


Come on, now, I know you can do it!



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Originally posted by BigPigPeaches

I'd like you a lot better if you went off your medications for a while, then went on a rant/tirade/tantrum which necessitates your banning. Then, come back under a different moniker but make it abundantly obvious that it's really you. Then I'd like you a whole lot better.

Come on, now, I know you can do it!



That is so far fetched, as if some asshole would actually do that.

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Originally posted by Rippin' Robin

Maybe you should spend less time online and more time practising



Yeah, he's really gotta practice if he wants to ever get decent:rolleyes:


Of course, when a bass idol is asking him about a technique... that's saying something ;)

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