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Originally posted by Texas Noise Factory

nice stuff! ....And about the other stuff bassists don't care about. I think it depends on which bassists you ask!

Nice Nord Lead 1 you got there. Here's some of my setup with my basses. Some things might look familiar to you.


nice, is that a nord lead 2, or a 2x? I'll post pics of my other stuff shortly then.

And about the lack of P-basses, well, the music man was originally designed by Leo Fender. Duh!!:D Haha, but seriously, I'll get one eventually. The way I buy my instruments is I wait for good deals to find me. Here's what I paid for everything in the pic:

Nord Lead: $500
Schecter: $400 with bag
Stingray 5: $800 with case
Stingray 4: $500 with case
Amp and cab: $300


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Originally posted by ec437

nice, is that a nord lead 2, or a 2x? I'll post pics of my other stuff shortly then.

And about the lack of P-basses, well, the music man was originally designed by Leo Fender. Duh!!
Haha, but seriously, I'll get one eventually. The way I buy my instruments is I wait for good deals to find me. Here's what I paid for everything in the pic:

Nord Lead: $500

Schecter: $400 with bag

Stingray 5: $800 with case

Stingray 4: $500 with case

Amp and cab: $300


wow, you got some sweet deals :thu:

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Originally posted by bassplayer7770

Welcome...to the forum and the HCBF Music Man Owners Club...

Our club never does anything. Ever.


I was voted Chief Advisor of the MM Club and do not nor have ever owned a Musicman product is how bad it is. Welcome.

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Originally posted by ec437

I see you have a diamond series too, eh? I'm trying to sell mine.... no one wants it though!

Anyways, heres a pic of half my gear. The other half is stuff you bassists don't care about


ah a series and parallel man...good
i would like to have a mm as well.
i am browsing ebay for a 3 band

welcome to the biggest bass forum as well as the other one..


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Originally posted by ec437

And about the lack of P-basses, well, the music man was originally designed by Leo Fender. Duh!!
Haha, but seriously, I'll get one eventually. The way I buy my instruments is I wait for good deals to find me. Here's what I paid for everything in the pic:

Nord Lead: $500

Schecter: $400 with bag

Stingray 5: $800 with case

Stingray 4: $500 with case

Amp and cab: $300

Welcome to the forum.
Yes, the P-bass has the same designer, but quite a different design. Nice basses & nice prices.

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Originally posted by ec437

nice, is that a nord lead 2, or a 2x? I'll post pics of my other stuff shortly then.

Nord Lead: $500

Schecter: $400 with bag

Stingray 5: $800 with case

Stingray 4: $500 with case

Amp and cab: $300


It's a Nord 2. I used to have a Nord 1 that was expanded to 12 voices and had a PCMCIA card for additional patches. I still have the card with my Nord 2. :)

Nice deals you got there man!

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Here's pics of my other gear:)

The guitar that I can kind of play:

The drums that I'm not very good at:

And, finally, everyone say hello to the newest member of the family, a 1976 Rhodes Mark 1 (which was a killer deal at $250):

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Originally posted by ec437

Here's pics of my other gear:)

The guitar that I can kind of play:


The drums that I'm not very good at:


And, finally, everyone say hello to the newest member of the family, a 1976 Rhodes Mark 1 (which was a killer deal at $250):


sweet Rhodes !

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Originally posted by 4string

You have to unstack the drums to play them well.

smartass :D

Off to the right there is a nice pearl session studio set that belongs to my brother. Its way nicer than that other one so when its here I just use it.

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