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OT Grilling. Charcoal or Propane?

SA Rios

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Originally posted by zachoff

Ignorance is bliss

That {censored} burns off, anyway... It's not like you cook on top of the lighter fluid flames.


No, but the lighter fluid soaks into the coals. As they burn, the lighter fluid fumes are cooked into your food. I don't care what anyone says, you can taste the differnce in food cooked on a grill that was started with lighter fluid as oppsed to a chimney.

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Originally posted by Kaesh

So is a propane grill something that uses propane flame to heat some kind of another medium? We don't have that here


Where do you live that you don't have gas grills? I bet the restaurants have them. Most restaurants use gas grills, the ones that use charcoal advertise that fact, so you would know it.


To answer your question: Yes. The older gas grills heated a layer of lava rocks to disperse heat and retain flare ups. Newer models have either lava rocks, ceramic, or metal between the flame and the cooking surface.


My preference for taste is charcoal, but I have gas grill for convenience. I can get the gas grill ready in less than 5 minutes, and no ashes to clean up.

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They did a survey on that Food Network show Ham on the Street a few months back. He had burgers, steak, and marinated chicken that were cooked on both Charcoal and Gas grills and everyone said they'd be able to tell the differece. The funny thing was they couldn't.


I'm a fan of both, but use the gas grill more these days.

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