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To all the guys who don't appreciate Jaco...


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Originally posted by Jazz Ad

I don't understand the initial proposition.

Why would you try to play his lines if you don't like them in the first place ?



Basically he appears to be saying that technical or physical difficulty somehow outweighs artist opinion. Even if you don't like the thing, if you can't do it, you should like or respect it, perhaps???

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Originally posted by Jugghaid

Not in this thread specifically, but I've seen a lot of "you don't like Jaco? Dude, he was a bass god, you must just not get it" Type of comments here over the years.

And I agree, that whole concept is silly.

This is what, on page 3? ;)

I remember the YouTube Jaco thread from not too long ago... That one got pretty nasty of the "converted" vs. the "non-believers" if memory serves correctly...

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Originally posted by Craigv

Basically he appears to be saying that technical or physical difficulty somehow outweighs artist opinion. Even if you don't like the thing, if you can't do it, you should like or respect it, perhaps???

Thanks goodness I learned how to paint like Picasso!:D

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Originally posted by RockStarBassist

This is what, on page 3?

I remember the YouTube Jaco thread from not too long ago... That one got pretty nasty of the "converted" vs. the "non-believers" if memory serves correctly...

I remember that. Then someone *COUGH*ME!!!*COUGH* wanted to send you some music that wasn't {censored}ty youtube quality that was never taken up on. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by SpaceGhost

I remember that. Then someone *COUGH*ME!!!*COUGH* wanted to send you some music that wasn't {censored}ty youtube quality that was never taken up on.

Hell I'd forgotten all about that!!

That Slayer DVD was pretty kickass though, so not like you can blame me or anything... :D

rs.ohendalski at gmail dot com


I'll give it a whirl (and btw, that {censored}ty YouTube vid wasn't the first thing I'd ever heard by Jaco... I've heard most of his stuff or at least the "hits" long time before now) :p

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I agree with SpaceGhost on this-don;t knock the music until you hear some of his groovier work. "Kuru/Speak Like A Child," "Barbary Coast," "Palladium," and others in that vein are the best work of Jaco/Weather Report.

I don't really like some of the wankier stuff that he did, but there are some gems to be had if you're into deep groovin'.


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Originally posted by RockStarBassist

Hell I'd forgotten all about that!!

That Slayer DVD was pretty kickass though, so not like you can blame me or anything...

rs.ohendalski at gmail dot com


I'll give it a whirl (and btw, that {censored}ty YouTube vid wasn't the first thing I'd ever heard by Jaco... I've heard most of his stuff or at least the "hits" long time before now)

Alrighty mang, give your e-mail a check tomorrow (I'm at school now and the interweb sucks here). It'll be the Herbie Hancock Quartet with Jaco. Good {censored}.

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Originally posted by Jugghaid

Not in this thread specifically, but I've seen a lot of "you don't like Jaco? Dude, he was a bass god, you must just not get it" Type of comments here over the years.

And I agree, that whole concept is silly.



But again, that is the point. I know you aren't singling me out, but I have made similar statements, but I said them because it reflects my own development as a bassist. I didn't "Get" Jaco 10 years ago, then one day, I listened with older ears, and I "got" it!


There is still some Weather Report I don't care for, and a lot of Jaco's solo stuff is not to my liking, but I now understand what he was doing, and have a better appreciation for it.


Zed's Dead is right though. Jaco would probably either be doing really watered down Smooth Jazz that makes Spyro Gyra sound innovative, and get on "thw

Wave", or he'd be doing some stuff so avant garde that no one but hard core fans buy!

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Originally posted by SpaceGhost


I just thought it was perplexing that you specified the "white kids" playing it when Jaco himself was white. Then i realized that the comment wouldn't be any more appropriate if the subject of the conversation had been Jamerson, so I said nevermind.


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Originally posted by catphish

I just thought it was perplexing that you specified the "white kids" playing it when Jaco himself was white. Then i realized that the comment wouldn't be any more appropriate if the subject of the conversation had been Jamerson, so I said nevermind.


I was just being stupid. I was initially going to say honkys but I didn't want the PC police breathing down my neck.

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Originally posted by Jazz Ad

I don't understand the initial proposition.

Why would you try to play his lines if you don't like them in the first place ?

don't appreciate, not don't like :)

EDIT: this thread wasnt meant to be me trying to convince Jaco Haters that he is god, i meant it more to find out if the majority of people who dislike his music, can still appreciate what he did, and now i can see this is so :thu:

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Jaco was a great bass player, but beyond that, he was a great writer/arranger/overall musician - I respect him for that more than anything else. The fact that he was the complete package is more amazing than the fact that he could play pretty fast. I can play that fast, but I couldnt write a chart for 20 horns, and I sure as {censored} couldnt write something like "Barbary Coast".

"get it"

When obsessive fans say "oh, you dont 'get' soandso's music, that's OBVIOUSLY why you dont like it", it confuses me. Good music is good music, it doesnt matter if you understand it. You dont need to know that the drummer is throwing in really cool ghost notes on the snare every 3rd bar, or that the bass player is swinging like crazy... what matters is whether it sounds good to you or not.

When I started playing, I knew that I liked how "Do you Love Me?" by the Contours sounded. I knew it when I first heard it when I was like 3... I didnt care why, I just knew that it was good music and sounded good to my ears. I certainly didnt "get" that it was a 1-4-5 in F, or any number of things - I knew that I liked it, and that was that. I know the song and the bassline inside-out and upside-down now.. I "get" how the song was arranged/played, but that doesnt mean I enjoy it any more than I did when I was 3.

My point? Good tunes is good tunes. People will like what they like. leave it at that.

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Originally posted by bassgeek

But again, that is the point. I know you aren't singling me out, but I have made similar statements, but I said them because it reflects my own development as a bassist. I didn't "Get" Jaco 10 years ago, then one day, I listened with older ears, and I "got" it!

There is still some Weather Report I don't care for, and a lot of Jaco's solo stuff is not to my liking, but I now understand what he was doing, and have a better appreciation for it.

Zed's Dead is right though. Jaco would probably either be doing really watered down Smooth Jazz that makes Spyro Gyra sound innovative, and get on "thw

Wave", or he'd be doing some stuff so avant garde that no one but hard core fans buy!

....or he'd be collaborating with John zorn

Now THAT would be {censored}ing sick!! :cool:

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Originally posted by SpaceGhost

He just sounds like an idiot. Jaco was a Funk and R&B player FIRST. that cat could groove really {censored}ing hard. Now you have all these white kids playing his licks and missing 80% of what they were about. GROOVE. I'm having a hard time believing anyone on this forum (not you zedsdead) has even listened to Jaco. It sounds like everyone here has heard 10 seconds of Weather Report and said he's a wanker. Jesus christ.






"It sounds like everyone here has heard 10 seconds of Weather Report and said he's a wanker."



I'm not saying that covers everyone here, but sometimes it certainly seems to ring true... As an aspiring jazz guitarist in Ft Lauderdale in the early 80s, I got ALOT of exposure to Jaco - and I've got to tell you, that after countless hours of seeing him play live, he flat out was an amazing player... I also had the privalidge of drinking/hanging out with him a few times, and although I was nowhere near his level of musicianship, he NEVER talked down to me...


I will also submit that despite BOALG's assertion, there IS validity to the concept of not putting down something unless one is atleast able to do it themselves - it's not merely a matter of "opinion"...




- georgestrings

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Originally posted by georgestrings

I will also submit that despite BOALG's assertion, there IS validity to the concept of not putting down something unless one is atleast able to do it themselves - it's not merely a matter of "opinion"...



it's a matter of taste.


taste is subjective.


i like his playing personally, but i can see how others don't.



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Originally posted by bassesofalessergod


it's a matter of taste.

taste is subjective.

i like his playing personally, but i can see how others don't.





It's not wrong - if you can't atleast do what he could, then you're merely crying sour grapes by putting it down - and as much as you try to deny it, that doesn't change anything...




- georgestrings

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Originally posted by georgestrings

It's not wrong - if you can't atleast do what he could, then you're merely crying sour grapes by putting it down - and as much as you try to deny it, that doesn't change anything...

- georgestrings



thats absolutely ridiculous.


you must be miserable then comparing yourself to everybody else all the time.



sour grapes?!?!?!?


i can do what he did. i can play bass.


maybe i can't do it as well, but i can do it.


thats like saying "since i only make $20,000 a year i must be an idiot because everybody else is making more than me"

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Originally posted by georgestrings

It's not wrong - if you can't atleast do what he could, then you're merely crying sour grapes by putting it down - and as much as you try to deny it, that doesn't change anything...

- georgestrings




Sorry bub but that makes absolutely zero sense.


Usually you have to CARE about a song or style of music to learn it.


For about +/- 5%, 90% of all bass situations nowadays don't call for a lot of the stuff he did. It all depends on your goals. If you just want to play 3 hr. sets in a jazz club every weekend to a group of maybe 100-200 people, well then Jaco would be your guy.


If you like playing like heavy metal or acoustic-based rock, copping his style and licks wouldn't exactly be the most "fitting", as who cares about a bunch of 16th and 32nd notes all over the fretboard?

You show up for a Top 40 act and that's your audition, and you'll get about 30 seconds maybe through your "Donna Lee" cover and you'll hear "Ok, yeah well thanks for your time! We'll be in touch!"


It's all about context, not ability, as his stuff wasn't so insane nobody can play it, cause lots of people do...

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Originally posted by RockStarBassist

Sorry bub but that makes absolutely zero sense.

Usually you have to CARE about a song or style of music to learn it.

For about +/- 5%, 90% of all bass situations nowadays don't call for a lot of the stuff he did. It all depends on your goals. If you just want to play 3 hr. sets in a jazz club every weekend to a group of maybe 100-200 people, well then Jaco would be your guy.

If you like playing like heavy metal or acoustic-based rock, copping his style and licks wouldn't exactly be the most "fitting", as who cares about a bunch of 16th and 32nd notes all over the fretboard?

You show up for a Top 40 act and that's your audition, and you'll get about 30 seconds maybe through your "Donna Lee" cover and you'll hear "Ok, yeah well thanks for your time! We'll be in touch!"

It's all about context, not ability, as his stuff wasn't so insane nobody can play it, cause lots of people do...

i think george is bringing his personal feelings into the argument. he really is making no sense.:(

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