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Bro's! (last one, I promise!)


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Those are awesome, but I see a few tiny dings in them.. I can um... fix them if you'll just send both of them my way. You probably can't see the dings cause of your puny human eyes, but they'll make you sound like your playing an unmodded SX .. it's probably best you let me fix them:D

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Those are beautiful! I played one of Bud's basses in October and the workmanship seemed top-notch! Plus, Bud seems to be a stand-up guy. If I wanted a custom bass built, there's not a doubt in my mind who I'd call.

Beautiful, man! But what did I tell you about posting LeCompte pics?



I know, this will be the last unsolicited one, I promise!:D


And bud is a very good builder to work with. In fact, these two were the easiest gear buys I've made in a long time because of Bud. I'm going to enjoy watching LeCompte basses gain popularity, and see what he dreams up next. You just know his next is going to be something incredible...:cool:

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