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N.J. warns: Don't eat squirrel near dump


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well their tomatos are good... funny thing, i found a dead squirrel on my driveway the other day with a layer of snow on it, nice and perserved when i was going to school. when i got back later that day it was on the side of my driveway by a bush and is currently a spine the back legs and some bright red leg meat.. im not pickin it up.

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I never thought I'd see 'eat' and 'squirrel' in the same sentence

maybe in some miraculous story of survival in the wilderness...

what kind of hick do you have to be to eat squirrel?


wave.gif When I was growing up, it was pretty much a ritual to get off the school bus, grab a gun and head for the woods to hunt for an hour or two depending on the amount of daylight left.


We'd also hunt doves and deer also. It's all good sport with a fair amount of skill involved. None of it ever went to waste... we'd eat most of it and give what we didn't want to our poor neighbors. Many times, this would be the only meat they'd have - I was gotdamn proud to help them out also.


Several years ago, my father mentioned that he took Rev. Johnny fishing with him. Rev. John was our neighbor. I think his daughter's a doctor now. Nice folks.


Now, the good Rev is about 5 years older than my father and I suppose it was quite a site seeing two old men fishing from my father's boat - one of them white, one of them black. The good Rev was quite impressed with fishing from a boat. My father was quite shocked when he told my father it was the first time in his life that he'd ever fished from a boat.


Kind of sad.


Never considered myself to be a hick either. I've eaten squirrel several times growing up. Battered and fried - tastes good. I've been a sergeant, an engineer (electrical - still an technically speaking) and I hold a masters in business. I'm a ham radio general license holder - I've ridden motorcycles in South/Central America that would scare most folks. Heck - I'm in Sao Paulo now - heading home tomorrow night.



Dayum... I feel so ashamed of my background.



















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is the whole story a lie or are you not ashamed of your background?


Not ashamed... not a all. All of it's true.


Edit - like the new name? Baixo is Portuguese for "Low". The main - perhaps only - bass magazine in Brazil is called Cover Baixo. See their site here.


Edit 2: Maybe I should rename myself K7Hick. Oscar.gif

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