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building a bass cab?

Super Bass

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http://Picture%20049.jpg:thu: I have built many cabs thats what I do:D Is it hard? depends on how good your skills at wood working are and weather you have the right tools. As far as dimentioning goes you can just copy an exsisting cab or go from scratch and design your own I do both.If you design your own it can be a lot of work and dosn't always turn out sounding very good even if you do the math right. I use WIN ISD to help with the design peramiters.AND one thing to remember AND it's a big one ( YOU CAN"T IN MOST CASES BUILD ONE CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY ONE ).http://Picture%20064.jpgPicture%20039.jpg

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Should be pretty simple. Basically, you're just building an enclosure to hold your speakers, nothing too "rocket scientist" about that. Mount the speakers, hook em' up to a jack of somekind so you can plug in your amp, make sure they impedance is correct(i.e. 4 ohms, 8 ohms, ect.) for the amp and you should be good to go.

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Building anything but a 1x12 or a 1x15 is going to put the cost of the project way above the cost of buying the cab assembled. Don't let that discourage you, though, because if you do it right, you can end up with a cab that sounds alot better than a store-bought one. You just have to decide what you're in it for.

I built mine out of boredom rather than necessity, and I learned alot...


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