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I have just been made redundant...


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That means I have no job anymore. I have debts that I pay each month and now can't and I'm really screwed.

I'm looking for a new job, have been every day but there is nothing around here.

Have any of you been in a similar situation and how did you manage your debt issues? What do I do while I'm unemployed???:confused:

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That means I have no job anymore. I have debts that I pay each month and now can't and I'm really screwed.

I'm looking for a new job, have been every day but there is nothing around here.

Have any of you been in a similar situation and how did you manage your debt issues? What do I do while I'm unemployed???


I really feel for you. I would call your debtors and advise them of the situation.


What about unemployment until you find something?

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Save money when you can. My wife and I both have 6 months of living expenses and monthly debts in a saving account, for times like these.


I know a lot of people live hand to mouth each month and a lot of people have no concept of how to save money, but that's the only advice I can give you. As for your situation now, in which it's too late to save, so I don't know what to tell you.

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Collect unemployment if you can. If you can take a contract position to get some cash coming in, do so (if your career path allows for contracting). I'd probably also look into alternate-hours positions for some cash flow while giving you the ability to still interview.


Meanwhile, spam your resume to every job board you can find. Hot Jobs, Career Builder, Monster, Dice (if you're in the IT field), any local job boards or specific ones for your field. I'm imagining you're doing this already. One other thing is to be sure to update your profile most every day. A lot of recruiters will have their searches looking for newly updated profiles and you want your name on the list often (which reminds me, I've been lazy about that and should really update mine)


If you believe yourself to be in a dead-end career path, start looking into others and see if there's government assistance out there that can help you. I know that, for a while, you could find ways of getting free training in a few IT fields. Not sure if that's the case anymore but it's work looking into (not necessarily for IT but for whatever field you're interested in).

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Sue them for Racial Discrimination?


Seriously though, tough times... keep your chin up and do what you have to do. Contacting your creditors is a good idea, usually they can be flexible and helpful.


You may want to take a part-time job for now, just to keep a roof over your head and food in your stomach.


This may be an opportunity, in disguise.

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Been there. Personal contacts are the best. Let every one know you're looking. I just connected a nephew with a job. Got a boy working in Iraq with KBR for lots of bucks - but that is not for everyone, he said a lot of Brits are there. But again that's why our family left Wales in 1683. Best thing is keep your spirits up and be positive.

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Best thing to do is make job hunting part of your daily routine. Get up early and have a coffee. go on the net and start searching your local and regional job boards....most of those sites will send you alerts to your email..that's what I do and it saves alot of time.


Then after that...get beer.




P.S. a great easy way to make ends meet is doing clinical trials. I don't know if you have any companies nearby that recruit healthy volunteers, but it's worth your time to find out.

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Nothing substitutes for face-time with prospective employers. Resumes are a tool to get you face-time. All that online application stuff and job-posting online is a tool to get you face-time. The best tool is sticking your face in their office or human resources dept. as often as possible. They will hire a face they see the most over someone as qualified that hasn't taken the initiative and ground their mug into their little hapless minds until they see you when they're making love, when they sleep, when they wake, I mean, give 'em nightmares! They'll hire you just to get a decent night's sleep.

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Bother! Money is money and without a job EVERY cent counts, trust me. I've been unemployed on a couple of occasions, and know exactly what your feeling right now, and it's not fun. What you need to do is first get over to whatever kind of unemployment office you have and get whatever assistance you are entitled to, without fail! Then, make a commitment to yourself that each day, every day you are going to do something, anything, to help find employment. Even if that just means going out and getting a local paper for the classified's, don't let a day go by where you don't try. Your new full time job is finding a full time job, and you can't give up and sit around the house doing nothing. If things are tight take any job you can find to pay some bills until you are able to find what you're really looking for, and don't let pride stop you. most of all, try to keep a positive attitude, as hard as that may be and keep at it. Something will fall into place as long as you don't give up.




Pilot speak truth.

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Sorry to hear that. I hope things turn around for you real soon.

During tough times, I've often cut things out that I didn't need. Coffee, TV (cable) walked instead of drive (cancelled insurance) I planted a garden for food and went vegetarian, you know, went down to just basics. I think I saved myself an extra $900 a month just cutting out stuff I didn't need to survive.

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