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My band has already crashed and burned

The Insomniac

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So we all got together for the first time last night. We had practiced a few times with our lead singer, guitar player, drums and me playing bass. Last night we add a female keyboard player who also sings lead. We went through a bunch of stuff and everyone seemed to be getting along.


When the singer went to the bathroom, the keyboard player said that it was pretty obvious from the dynamics in the room that we were planning on just using her as a keyboard player/backup singer and that wouldn't work for her. I said that wasn

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Dude...I feel for you and am grateful that in my band our two female lead singers gladly trade off leads and back each up nicely.


They're apparently hanging out together as well since I got a drunken message from one of them last night with both of them hootin' and hollerin' backstage at a Sugarland concert in Chicago.

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Sounds like you had overall good intentions. First of all, if she can't realize that now, maybe she will soon. The fact that she just quits and won't play with you anymore, especially when you helped her out in the beginning, shows that she may be getting a little ego-which is not a good thing (impression I'm getting). Hopefully she'll come around and you can talk it all out before anyone makes a rash decision.



Mr. Matt

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Dude...I feel for you and am grateful that in my band our two female lead singers gladly trade off leads and back each up nicely.

They're apparently hanging out together as well since I got a drunken message from one of them last night with both of them hootin' and hollerin' backstage at a Sugarland concert in Chicago.



I'm with Tbroom on this one. We were up front with our original singer when we decided we needed to add another singer. Now, both of our girls seem to get along very well, and they enjoy working with one another. I can't wait to start gigging with both of 'em!

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Sounds like the keyboard player/ singer has an over inflated ego and wants to be the star of the show.

I would humbly tell her she needs to start her own band

Dont worry it is just a set back

I have no doubts that there are plenty of key board player that are capable of filling her shoes without the big ego :thu:

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Were you clear with both singers that you wanted them to trade leads/harmonies?



I thought so but she said no. When I told her we had a keyboard player coming over, I told her that she was also a lead singer and had fronted a band I had played in before. I also told her that she was going to want to sing some songs. The quanity she was going to sing had not been discussed. We still haven't discussed it. I have no idea how many songs she wanted to sing but she is a good singer.

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So who's pissed at you? The original singer or the new keyboardist/singer? Will the rest of the band stand behind you?



The original singer. Sorry I reread my original post and it does seem a bit convoluted.


The band needed the original singer for us to kick ass. Without her we will be pretty average.

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The noob you speak of may be very afraid of being in front of people without singing (needs a tambourine, etc). I'd find out what her fears are instead of taking her email personally. I would also pump her up about how wonderful of an asset she is to the band and that this is a big misunderstanding. Kind of like being married, if she's that good of a singer, just humble yourself. If she's reasonable and honest about what she's actually upset about, there may be a simple fix. Good luck.

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The original singer. Sorry I reread my original post and it does seem a bit convoluted.

The band needed the original singer for us to kick ass. Without her we will be pretty average.



ok who is new the Keyboard player/singer or the vocalist and which one has the ego problem the new addition or the old band member


if the keyboard player is new and the one who is pissed I would tell them to take their ego and their keyboard to take a hike


in the nicest possible way of course:)


I am confrused maybe you should start all over

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The noob you speak of may be very afraid of being in front of people without singing (needs a tambourine, etc). I'd find out what her fears are instead of taking her email personally. I would also pump her up about how wonderful of an asset she is to the band and that this is a big misunderstanding. Kind of like being married, if she's that good of a singer, just humble yourself. If she's reasonable and honest about what she's actually upset about, there may be a simple fix. Good luck.



I don't believe it's fear. She is just real pissed that she isn't the "STAR". A small part of her email...


I'm just letting you know that if I am going to do this, invest the time and energy in learning this stuff so it sounds GREAT instead of just good, then I want to be the lead singer. I want to pick what I want to sing, and let the rest fall where they may. If you want to proceed on without me, I understand. I won't like it and will probably be really disappointed for a while, but I will understand. I hope you understand where I'm coming from too. I have no intention to compete with someone else to be a singer.

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If at all possible, try to get everyone together again to discuss this. Those of you that form the core of the band (the band minus the singers) should make sure you're absolutely on the same page before you do this. I can almost guarantee you that a band with two really good female singers will smoke a band that only has one. Our two singers are our draw...especiallly the dynamic that has formed between them from gigging.


Don't give up Keith!

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