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Any gigs this week/weekend??


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I'm playing with a Bucket at a new place to us - Head First on 3rd St. downtown Cincy on Saturday night.


Dammit Bob!! I keep planning on seeing Bucket live but I always have a gig on the same night! I'm in Cincy a LOT in the next few months, I'm sure I'll catch a show of yours soon!! :thu:


Mr. Matt

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Dammit Bob!! I keep planning on seeing Bucket live but I always have a gig on the same night! I'm in Cincy a LOT in the next few months, I'm sure I'll catch a show of yours soon!!

Mr. Matt



It's inevitable. :wave:


Congrats on landing the Wendy$ gig. Corporate {censored} pays!

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No gigs for the next few months, since our drummer/band leader fired our guitar player. I have been demoted to guitard, because our keys player's son is developing into a very good bass player. Its not my favorite thing to do, but it will be much more stable, once we make the changes. I played lead guitar for 4 years, but I really like the low end. I should be up to speed in about 2-3 months.

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We're playing a party for a local biker group who we've been playing for for a few years now. It's the FTW Winter Bash. (Stands for F#ck The World) A great bunch who love to party. We always have a blast playing for these folks. Hard core bikers but a real cool group.

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I'm pretty damn busy this week.

Tommorow: I have my first rehersal with the other pit musicians for the school's musical. Then I have a Jazz/Concert band performance. 40 minutes of concert band stuff followed by 30 of Jazz.


THen on saturday were playing a house party in honor of my friend returning from Iraq. Then spring break! YES!


I've been wondering why the hell I'm a biology major lately... maybe I should just suck it up and get a music degree.

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