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Longest Time W/out a Band or Gig?


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I'm getting rightly so pissed about now.


Quit my jackass/druggie/nowhere-going band after 3 1/2 YEARS of driving my ass off earlier this year as some of you recall, and even though it sucked hanging out w/ them, we meshed musically very well and had a lot of fun making what I thought was pretty damn good tunes.


But now I can't even find people to play with, much less go back to the regular gigs and recording like I was doing.


Been almost 5 mo's w/out a show (Sunday AM's don't count), and it's tax season for another 4 weeks, and I need a damn break. :mad: :mad:


Ugh. But buying gear makes me feel better (and my bank account lighter! :thu: ) but it's all for naught as I have nowhere to really use it.


Sucks. And I hate it.


How do you guys cope? :(

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About 10 months without a band or gig.



How'd you come about a new one? Just luck or what? I put out ads and try and make contacts but it all falls through or it's just one guy and not a band, which isn't that bad, but I'd really rather play already...

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I live in a smaller town. Pretty much know everyone. Putting a band together is usually not a problem. However, we are lacking singers and drummers.


I stopped playing for 5 years. With in a month of wanting to play again, I had a band.

I also look on www.bandmix.com There are a lot of players on there.

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:idea: Just find a band, and become good friends with everyone. Then, make their bass player 'disappear' a couple days before a gig. Appear disheartened with them, then offer your services as a sit-in bassist until the regular guy can be found. Just make sure the regular guy will never be found. :D:freak:
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I've only been in one band in my life, that was playing guitar and it was a temp gig for a dance. I really miss playing in a band though, it was the best 3 months of my life going to practice and playing that gig.:cry:

If I could just find a dang drummer and guitar player I'm sure we could get something going, even if it was just playing B-Day parties and stuff. :D

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I've only gone about six months without being in some sort of band. My then-girlfriend/now-wife almost left me because of it. "It's turning you into an asshole. Join a band soon or I walk."


Wow, she actually WANTED you to join a band, most of the time it's the other way around. You have a good woman there, better hang onto her. :thu:

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I went from 1981 to 1997 without a band or even a jam session. Of course, in that same time frame I was fairly busy -- medical school, internshiip, and a 4-year pathology residency. Plus a few years of starting new practices at two different locations. But every since 1997 I've been back into music very heavily. :thu:

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How'd you come about a new one? Just luck or what? I put out ads and try and make contacts but it all falls through or it's just one guy and not a band, which isn't that bad, but I'd really rather play already...


Well background is: I'm 17, and I live in the poshest non-posh town there is in the Glasgow area.


With the old band it was a nightmare getting rehersals because of the drummers parents - go figure! :rolleyes:


That broke up and I was just on my lonesome for long months. Then on the day of my music prelim I got asked to play bass for a band because the bassist quit and they had a gig in 3 weeks. I was the best bassist they knew - my best friend is the singer and we took off. The other guy had never played a song all the way through as he had just started around September and didn't seem to practice much!


Just luck I guess!


When I go to uni I wont be able to keep this band up. It's a 1.5 hour commute at least each day, plus I will be working more hours. I know a lot of people from around the country who are really cool, similar taste in music, and dead nice, but live 200 miles away - but they will be moving to Glasgow as their studying will be their first priority. The way I'm thinking, they will still want to jam and gig, but they will be in the same situation, with the same priorities so it would be cool to hook up with them. But I don't have a clue what is gonna happen!

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Yeah well for some reason our band keeps talking about going back to gigging after recording our album, but everytime we get ready to record our album the singers we have bail on us. Now we have a new singer that i haven't heard yet but he can actully sing from what I hear so now he's getting used to our tunes. I'm so freakin tired of waiting on people. I'm ready to just give up metal and write mainstream type rock so his voice can cope better and we can get {censored} done. So anyways If i remember correctly our last gig was November 18th, 2005. And we're still practicing all the time. Sounds like there's something wrong with this picture

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My longest hiatus has been about 15 years, but that just ended for having a band, and the gig hiatus will end within the next few months... :thu:


I merely went out of my mind for the period of absence and denied an essential part of my very being... I'm feeling much better now... :)

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I stopped playing in band back in 1979. Never stopped playing guitar and bass though and recently decided it would be fun to get out from inside my own four walls and make music with other musicians again. Played bass in a band for about 2-1/2 mos. That didn't work out but it got my feet wet again. I put adds in H.C. Classifieds and also on Craigslist, & Bandmix. Had two guitars (out of about 6 that answered my add) and a drummer within a week. We met last Sunday and it went pretty well. This Week I adv. for singer male or female and have gotten response from a female singer through one of the guitar players and just got e-mail from a husband & wife singing duo that wants to jump back in the band scene after being out of it a while.

So, this Sunday should have a full band, although I would like to add at least Keyboards yet.

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I joined the Navy in 1982. No band, no gigs until 1988, though I did get together with a few friends to record in 85 or 86.


After 88, nothing until 92, although I did sit in with a few people in Guam in 90 or 91.


Jammed with some guys fairly regularly in 96 or 97, before I got retired.

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I joined the Navy in 1982. No band, no gigs until 1988, though I did get together with a few friends to record in 85 or 86.

After 88, nothing until 92, although I did sit in with a few people in Guam in 90 or 91.

Jammed with some guys fairly regularly in 96 or 97, before I got retired.



Yo, retired as well, same time frame!


A lot of jamming and make-shift groups along the way, but nothing that lasted more than a few months at a time. Since retirement, it's been good.

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I started playing guitar at 9 and joined my first band at 14. Since then I have been in around 10 different bands. I'm 30 now. In these past 16 years I have only gone band less/gig less only for a 4 month period in late 1998.

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I went through a stint of almost 20 years, though that was kind of different (still played, but only occasionally). But after you've been through enough band drama meltdowns, not being in a band and not having gigs and instead just occasionally jamming with friends doesn't seem so bad.

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FCC(SW) Retired. Up for Senior Chief, decided wife, kids, music were more important. Now I make double the $$, collect my retirement check, grow my hair long, and reminisce with the old friends as we watch our ships become razorblades.



I made the Chief board eight straight years. Never advanced. I figured it was time to go, when the early retirement program popped up. Timing couldn't have been better!

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