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fix crackling jacks


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a guitarist friend of mine showed me a nifty way of getting rid of a noisy input jack by rolling up a piece of sandpaper and just rotating it a couple of times inside the input jack ...cleans out specs of rust, dirt etc.. that cause nasty noise ...does anyone else do this? Is this a common quick fix ..? is there a better way..?

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I dont like it.


most connection problems are caused by bad cable-connector interconnects, not jack-connector connections. First suspect is always a intermittent ground, caused by using substandard cable followed by cheap connectors. Use Belden cabling with Switchcraft connectors. Use plenty o heat shrink between hot and ground and around the connetor barrel, If you can make your own and know how to solder well with a 100 watt gun.


If you dont, look for these quality components in your pre made cables. Blister packed cables are bad idea, you cant inspect them first. Ignore stupid {censored} like "gold plating", it makes zero difference. 99% hype.

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Four ought(0000) steel wool would work just as well as sand paper and not take off as much metal. Heck, you can use it to clean lead out of your firearms barrels too, won't scratch em' and is a lot cheaper then those fancy lead removal tools. :thu:

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